Sunday, April 6, 2014

1077 - projects on the go

Day 1077 was another gorgeous plus 9 melting type sunshiny day. I was up with coffee and the dogs getting ready for my day. It started with vacuuming and gluing the old oak table. Always lots of spider webs and dust with old things but I think the repair will be great.

 I painted the large end table its first coat of white. Kaylin woke for a quick check on Lexi but not feeling well went back to bed in mine :-) I cleaned up an old stereo cabinet and took it apart as best I can as I am going to convert it into a bar. It took awhile to get the speaker and board out of the bottom in one piece but I managed it eventually, the secret was finding the right tool for the job! I put a 2nd coat of white on the table after good and dry.

Shaina got home after lunch in time for a wee visit before she ran Kaylin to her truck in town. Britt straggled along around 2:30. She went out to ride KD in the sunshine, Shaina who was also not feeling well napped on the couch until I forced her out. She caught Julio and Scooter and she and I shed them out. Back in the garage, I finished wet distressing the end table before cooking chili for a late supper.

Cassidy picked up Shaina in her new truck to go for a ride and dropped her back in time for us to have supper. Everyone then took off to do something, Shaina bath and bed, Britt finish her laundry and me .. update the blog and facebook.

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