Monday, March 31, 2014

1068-71 Charlie Horse Tourney

Day 1068-1071 Britt and I resided at the Sleep Inn while racing back and forth to the tournament held about 3 miles away.

Friday we headed out where the kids rode in the morning with a clinic by Paul Johnson. Cracker Barrel was lunch then we all hit the local tack store before heading back out for a practice with New Zealand native Greg Russel later in the evening. Supper for Britt and I was bought at Winn Dixie and ate back at the room with the gang who ordered pizza. (Back at home, Sheldon and Shaina braved the snowy roads later in the day heading to Olds where they found hte perfect Jeep Wrangler for Shaina!)

On the Saturday it was a threatening rain Day and by the time got completely tacked up and out on the field for their 11 am game it started to drizzle. Play continued util it began to rain and tornado warnings were issued! Back to the barn untack and during the tornado delay with went back to town for Mexican. The rain came down in buckets but once the sun was out around 4:30 the girls were tacked back up and played their first game at 5:30. A fun banquet followed then their 2nd game was under the lights on the field at 10:30. Such fun but it was another late night getting to bed after 1.

Sunday proved to be sunny but windy which kept it a bit cooler till late afternoon. The team played 2 games coming together well in the last game so well they even won. After all horse care was done an awards banquet was held and team Canada got 3 winning riding crops. To celebrate we ate alligator at Gator Joes.

 love these old oak trees
so many more action photos on my Florida face book album
On Monday we finished packing, Lesley and I went out to the field to present our thank you swag bags and get some last minute items from the polox store. Time to check out and back to the store as Britt did not like new helmet getting her old one back then after finding new one still in back seat on way to airport we turned around yet again. It was then time to drive to Orlando and get on plane number one to Dallas.
The flight from Dallas to Calgary was delayed due to lost stewardesses but eventually we were off. Sadly we found Britt's wheels ripped off her suitcase when we landed which delayed us again. Sheldon patiently waited in cell zone until we got all sorted and he took us home in the snowy tundra getting home around midnight. Shaina was home with Jenna having a sleepover. Whew another long day of travel but now safely home!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

1067 - Britt and I off to orlando

Day 1067, After catching a few more winks it was time to get moving. The alarm went off at 4 am and by 4:40 we were on the still snowy roads. Sheldon was kind enough to drive Britt and I to the airport. He is planning to go home get some sleep before venturing to the Valley and Oyen today.
A kind airline agent gave Britt and I seats together in a bulk head row of only 2 seats on that side on the S80 jet. Only downside was no entertainment on the near 4 hour flight to Dallas.

Once there we hurried to another terminal on the sky link and soon was off to Orlando on a 747. The race continued once we landed to grab bags in another terminal after shuttle ride, get the rental car and find our destination. This did not go quite as easy as map quest said but eventually we found the field at 7:30 pm.
We were however to late to practice but met Hannah the horse before another lost venture to a restaurant which we never found finally tapping out and heading to a chicken takeout place near the hotel! What a busy day of racing like on the amazing race.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

1066 - final touches and horses get out

Day 1066 awoke to soft falling snow that lasted all day and night.

I ran to town after lunch to get cash, look for CND stickers to no avail, get another gift for the horse owner swag bags and also stop at Amanda's for a quick visit and trim. Thanks Panda! It was then time to pick up Britt from school, a few more errands and home.

Back at the ranch, Shaina had left for work and Sheldon was chilling. Time to make supper and get last minute packing done. Britt finally finished her boots to go.
Once finally asleep I was awakened by a loud knock at 1:45 am. A young neighbor boy asked if we had a herd of horses that might be on the highway, sure enough it was ours but by the time we got dressed and headed out (Shaina got up to help too) they were making there own way back into the yard. It was still snowing too, I jumped out and caught Pepper with 4 following then out into field getting Julio where the last 3 followed him in. Whew danger averted again. Seems they pushed on the far gate and snapped the bungy cord and thin rope, time to reevaluate that latch.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

1065 - stools finished

Day 1065 I had to wake up Britt at 7:45 since still sleeping! It was a brisk awakening for me after I noticed unusual horse behavior. Sure enough Hawk was out of the pen, crossing the hard packed snow over the SE corner of the pasture. He had been out for some time as the tracks went along the fence line. eventually I came back for Sheldon to drive the vehicle and this time he was caught right away, I leapt on and rode to the north gate and released him back in the pasture.
Britt was off to school in the truck as she works after school but it was not long before Pepper decided to try the escape route as well. Shaina was off to town around the same time for chiropractor and grocery run. Sheldon headed out in the skid steer to remove the snow inside the pasture preventing any more escapes. A customer stopped to pick up the chippy white chair.
I waxed the legs of the stools and varathaned the tops before we had lunch. Shaina was back to join us before she got ready for her work shift at 4. Once finished the stools I staged a few pictures and posted and it was not long before they were sold, Thanks Auntie Barb.

Sheldon and I enjoyed a barbecued steak and lobster supper.. so yummy!! Britt was home by 9 and Shaina by 11. Britt continued cleaning her boots for the trip south.

Monday, March 24, 2014

1064 - Monday funday

day 1064 was Another great coffee start to a cloudy morning. Being truckless, Britt caught a ride to school today with Shelby. Today is laundry day. I did put 2 coats of stain on the one stool top as my only paint work. The rest of the day both Sheldon and I did accounting, he working on taxes and me paying bills as month end will be here while I am on a plane home.

After lunch Sheldon ran to town to wash the truck, run a few errands and pick up Britt form school. By now the sun finally came out! Britt took my car to work for 5 as another lady stopped for more of Shaina's garage sale items. Shaina was home in time to join us for supper. She headed to town to take Asher swimming at 7 as a young fellow and his Dad stopped out to look at Sheldon's truck

Britt was home by 8 stopping to pickup a mirror I purchased off garage sale site for me. She got busy cleaning her boots for the trip and after cramping up hands she managed to get one near complete before calling it a night. Shaina was home later after her swim and DQ date with master Asher.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

1063 - slow Sunday

Day 1063 We awoke early but enjoyed a coffee and relaxing in bed. Eventually it was time to get up and get stuff done. I started trying to book a car rental for the upcoming Orlando trip while unpacking and sorting laundry. I rousted Britt up to visit at noon.
not the sandy beach I hoped for :-)

I ran to town to meet the Canadian American Paint rep for a paint lesson and meet at the Home Hardware at 2. Sheldon spent time rolling out a bale and giving Diego a bath. Shaina was home but under a self induced weather cloud when I got home at 4:30. A gal was just pulling up to pick up her growth chart as I pulled in. Soon another lady stopped to buy a garage sale item Shaina had posted.

Time for me to cook a yummy family supper and spend the evening relaxing.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

1062 - Arrive home

Day was started off with a really nice walk along the beach. We met up with Glen and Roxy for a last beer then visited in the sun before we left for the airport at 2. We were very early for our 4:55 departure but Sheldon used the time to have a nap. Danielle and Kenny visited us too filling us in on their Bahamas adventures before we all boarded and headed home. The flight was 6 1/2 hours almost home getting us there at 9:30 pm where we were greeted by soft falling snow!

We filled with gas on way home and after greeting the pets and unloading crawled into bed. Britt was home at 1:30 stopping for a hug while Shaina was spending the night in the city on the town.

again the link to some of the 300+ photos is here on facebook.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

1054- off to Bahamas

Day 1054 was an early start. Shaina was up around 5:30 like us as she is off to board today. Sheldon and I left the house just after 6 to start our adventure to sail the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas. Our first night was spent at Orange Hill Resort, this is a hostel at best, not a 3 star worth over $200/night but drinks were cheap we soon found out.

The next day we bought groceries and prepared the boat staying at the marina the first night. Rough seas slowed allot of beverage consumption on the first day at seas finally docking at Allen Cay for the first night at sea.

The sea was very rough the next day so we only moved to the southern bay on Allens for the next night.

Finally we were able to make our way south getting to Normans Cay. Here we snorkeled the Carlos Lehder plane wreck, found our first beach bar with $15/ short rums and $25 burgers and wraps.

The next day it was time to head north again back to Nassau area anchoring just outside at Rose Island for last night at sea. The trip back was sunny and much calmer.

Back to the marina early in the morning spending our last night on the island at Melia Beach Resort. This was nice to get a chance to see hotels in the area and this was quite nice. Always enjoy a walk on the beach.

The next morning it was, A last walk on the beach and beer with the Cole's before off to the airport for the journey home. :-(

check out tons of photos on my facebook page exuma island sail trip.

Friday, March 14, 2014

1053 - packing day

Day 1053 Britt took my car to school and work after. Sheldon and I got motivated after a coffee to start packing for our trip tomorrow!! Nothing like leaving till the last minute for sure. I also downloaded photos to reformat the camera and charge battery, paid bills, did laundry and finish updating the blog from last 4 days.

Shaina slowly made her way up after noon to join us for lunch then she caught KD and Baby and she and went riding at RJ again parking at Goslings. We were back by 3:30 so Shaina could get ready for work, Sheldon took off with the truck and dump trailer heading to the dump, town for a tire lug nut and then to pickup some water totes.
Shaina was off to work for 5, I showered and gave myself a gel manicure and pedicure. Sheldon was back home and we enjoyed a yummy steak supper. He then ran out another bale to the horses to tide them over for the week we are gone. I was going to put the final coat of varathane on the stools but noticed the one had some white specks. In my attempt to remove them I created a bigger issue and ended up stripping the entire top and left till I am back.
Britt worked after school then she went out to Kyra's for a hot tub party with Amber & Kyra. Sheldon and I I finished last minute packing. Going to be another early morning on our Bahamian adventure.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

1052 - Asher and Ada spend the afternoon

Day 1053 Britt again caught a ride not trusting her car. Sheldon and I were off to town after he unhooked the trailer and loaded the change table up. It was not a pleasant experience at the sellers home even thought the lady who posted said sure bring it back. Sadly the husband was riding a huge anger at the world wave and was the most unpleasant person I have seen in a long time. We ended up leaving the item and only getting half the cash back.

It was then on to more positive things such as acquiring US cash for our trip, grabbing a few items at the dollar store including some ipod speakers, a new phone case and some cat litter scoops. Wood bar stools and a huge heavy cabinet were next stops before a couple more pickups and then home. Shaina had left to work for 11.
Amanda and Craig dropped the kids off after 12 so spend the afternoon with us while they finish up cleaning and painting at the old house before possession tomorrow. It was a fun afternoon with lots of laughs and snuggles.

 this is nap time... not going so well
Sheldon scooped some land mines before his friend Brad dropped out for a tour and visit then he was back out doing more water management trying to get the frozen culvert running. Once home from school Britt and I played Wii with Asher. A young lady popped out to pick up the walnut end tables.

Amanda and Craig were back around 5 as Britt was leaving for work and after a quick visit they were off to the city and we were off to Gosling's for the most fantastic barbecue. Thanks Goslings!! Shaina joined us after her long day at work too. It was so filling we headed home after 8 to stretch out on our bed. Britt was home by now too and a relaxing evening ensued for all.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

1051 - water management

Day 1051 was another plus 9 day full of sunshine. Britt again caught a ride to school so Sheldon could take the probe back to the shop later. Coffee time and internet time was enjoyed before Sheldon went and rolled out a bale. I chatted up polox coach about upcoming trip and practices while we are gone. One is planned for Britt tonight but it is not long before she calls back to say cancelled due to arena flooded. And in this weather it may only get worse.

As I was calling to cancel a dental appointment I checked messages with one reminding Sheldon of his appointment at 11:20 and it currently was 11:15!! He bolted for town in Britt's car to appointment, car repair and grabbed groceries before picking up Britt from school and back home around 4.
I had a gal stop and buy a chalk board at noon as Shaina was just getting up to eat. She then spent time getting ready for work leaving early to hit the gym before the 4 pm shift. I sanded my stools and varathaned the tops, unloaded my treasures scored yesterday and promoted my anniversary draw slated for tonight. Another gal stopped quick to grab puzzles too.
Once home Britt lamented about her car that they claim has many more issues, basically not worth putting any more $$ into but not including the recent $450. She then went and caught KD & Scooter and I pulled the truck and trailer to the far gate, loaded and off to Matt's. We parked at his yard and rode over to RJ arena as there driveway was a mess. She and I rode for an hour practicing and conditioning the two horses before a leisurely ride back to the trailer and home.
Sheldon had spent this time pushing snow creating a channel for the accumulating snow to escape into the pasture. A fellow was just ahead of us and dropped off a change table I won the auction for but sadly it was missing ALL the hardware and the actual change part. When I contacted them about it they said nope that is the way it is..WTH. and they refused to return it to top it off. Some people are just not nice.

Time for a beer while cooking supper, time to barbecue burgers! A  A shower and relax time were the rest of the night. Perhaps I should pack my bag.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1050 - Sheldon lands home again

Day 1050 more sunshine but -1 to start. Britt was off to school with Grady again, they say her car should be repaired today. I had a coffee before venturing out to feed the horses a small square bale. While they ate I trimmed Julio and did both Daisy and Hawk's front feet. Holy they were long. Nice to have a quiet group that you can do mid pasture no halters etc.

Around 10 a lady and her daughter in law stopped out to see Beck. They were both very impressed with her quiet nature and great winter shape. The lady left cash to hold her to April first. Now to just get Britt over this hurdle.
once tummies were full it was nap time!

I grabbed a quick tuna cracker and headed off for the city to shop before meeting Sheldon later at the mall. I stopped quick in Chetemere to pick up anold oak pedestal table from the 1920's. A quick unsuccessful check at few local haunts, a successful stop at Winners and Costco to only do swim suit returns were next. I stopped to buy 3 old pressback chairs.

these nice pieces were 1200 and 600 respectively unpainted.. Restore has definitely increased prices sadly

Next stop, Home Depot for a return and I run into an old friend from Hanna working there, small world! After a quick visit I was off to Market Mall to meet Sheldon. I grabbed another swim top at Victoria's Secret then he and I met an Apple guy who replaced his phone a 2nd time in 3 weeks.

By now it was time to eat so Kaylin met us at Earls and we have a nice supper and visit. Trying to find shoes for Sheldon we stopped at Sunridge Mall, Winners and Sport Check eventually finding a pair of boat shoes.

Then time to head home as now 8:30. Britt who worked after school then walked to her car followed us in but only to the gate when the car stalled on her again. We went back and Sheldon drove it to the house finding the idle as the issue. Looks like back to the shop it goes. Sheldon was sleeping in not time while I read. Shaina did not get home until late after working a late shift.

Monday, March 10, 2014

1049 - more hooves trimed

Day 1049 Ralph survived happily in the great outdoors, he was hungry by 830 though but ate and headed back out. Britt caught a ride to school as car in the shop. Shaina joined Mom Travis and I for a quick coffee before she was off for work for 10 and Mom and Travis were on the road just after 10.

I waxed the lazy susan and started the stools painting the bottom a new color called tumbleweed and staining the tops walnut.

A customer stopped to get the round table around 1:30.
Once Britt got dropped off after school I had her catch KD and Beck. I trimmed KD while she brushed Beck. A woman is popping out to see her tomorrow morning perhaps giving her a nice retirement home, Britt prefers to just keep her retired here but she just got the text her car repairs are close to $600 so this may be her saving grace. Hooves for wheels. I trimmed Beck's and Baby's front since they were there in the gorgeous sunshine and plus 6 temperatures.

Britt got ready for work shift 5-8:30 taking my car to town. Shaina came home after her long day shift and I cooked her up a delicious supper as she was called to work Target tonight. She loaded up plates to eat at work and was off. Tonight she will stay in town at Jenna's for a sleepover.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

1048 - time jumps ahead

Day 1048 was sunny and started plus 4 going  up to 8 by noon. I put a coat of wax on the bookshelf and brought in to stage then Mom and Travis and I had coffee. I hurried to get it done thinking they were heading home tonight but as I reminded them to load it they said they were here another night.. oh well at least it is done ready to go.

They headed to town after 11:30 while I stayed behind waiting for furniture pick ups. Posted photos as well as the lazy susan before rousting Britt at 1 to help me trim horse feet. She eventually got up made more coffee at 130 and came to help.

I trimmed Pepper, Scooter and needing a break on my back, Britt caught Bird and we took a quick bareback ride. We searched the field for a missing blanket strap but had no luck. The sunshine was amazing and the snow felt the now plus 10 and is mushy.

Next it was Bird's turn for a trim making enough for one day. Time to go in for a cold drink and finally some food at 3:30. I managed to pinch something in my back so after the drink and natchos it was time for a hot bath and quick nap.
 Bird's foot to show you the winter growth shown above on right hand of photo, then trimmed below
Rest of the evening was TV and relaxing the sore back till Mom and TJ arrived at 10:30 for happy hour and visit. Shaina got home from her night in the city and work shift from 5-9:30 not feeling well and off to bed. Ralph would not come in to the garage so looks like he will spend first night outside