Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Bottles bottles everywhere

More fog in the night when I awoke and in the am. I was up and on the computer at 8 for a zoom meeting with my paint company. S even brought me a coffee near the end, thanks! I had a second cup once my meeting ended. S was perusing news and making more retirement calls. Time to get to the blue bottle. I silk stenciled designs on. Then dry brushed the metallic paint on the bottle.

S checked and found shinny was not at 1:30 today but rather 11:45. He gathered his stuff and was off to town at 11. Time to put the transfers on the blue bottle then seal them. As all dried I got to work updating all my tutorials. Pictures were sorted, added to other sites like Hometalk for future use, added to emails for the paint company then stored or deleted. It is a full time job staying on top of all my photos as my computer is totally out of storage room.

I then worked on adding the bowl as a new listing to my Etsy shop. The dining table was paper bag sanded and a few more photos taken. I have ads made on a few sites to post tonight in hopes of a quick sale. 

As I was typing I looked out to see 2 coyotes in the east pasture. I looked to the south and saw one laying just a bit from the round pen!! It would not even move when I yelled and H barked. Brazen bastard. Luckily Stella was on the deck but J heard me and came over from barn!

can you see he/she laying just above the post to left of round pen?

the video view of this crazy coyote

The sun started to burn thru fog and clouds after 1. H and I went out to walk and let Bird eat. I hauled the first winter blanket back to wash up. I had just gotten it in the machine and inside to have a cold drink and some chips for lunch. Harley barked alerting me to someone here. Turns out it was Britt and Cooper. Of course seeing I just fed B. She was off to check her horses. The sun was out in full force now. I dark waxed the blue bottle. The floor needed a vacuum. It always does.

S was home at 3 with an ice cap for me and tea for B, thanks. He ate leftovers before torqueing B's new tires for her. He then jumped in the ranger and took his gun for a gopher run. I put the horse blanket in the house machine to rinse and spin now that mostly clean. I went out to get another but ended up shoveling the snow off the front sidewalk. B finished up trimming Bird and Biebs and ran to town before 4.

The other bottle edges and 2 molds were painted gold. The blue bottle was staged. Back from his jaunt S (he pegged 1 gopher) cracked some cold beers. I finished my plant leaf wiping and joined him. B was back at 5:30 loaded up her vet kits and Cooper and headed home.

I cooked up a tasty goulash for supper. S created a solar power spreadsheet on the big computer. This is part of his new SLiK Services venture. Then the 12 hockey games started for S.

A gal popped out at 7 to take yet another stack of sturdy boxes for moving. I went to post my table ads only to find them gone after restarting computer BOO. I rewrote them, posted and hope for a sale. The Etsy bowl ad went live too. During Flames intermission, we went for a soak in the hot tub after many day hiatus. Shower and back to hockey for S. Sadly the Flames lost. I was back to working on tutorials. I had a gal inquire about the dining table 1/2 hour after posting. That was encouraging. I made our yogurt bowls and I headed to bed at 10 to read a new book S grabbed at library for me.

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