Sunday, April 2, 2023

April Fools came a day late

I weather was crap when I woke at 8. The wind howled thru the night and now the snow was swirling, blustering and ugly out. April Fool's came a day late it seems. Coffee was a must. H only went out quick to pee and into her kennel. Laundry got on the go on this dreary day.

With my second cup of coffee I wrote a Hometalk post for the green dresser mirror. I was staging the jewelry box as S came out to have his first coffee after 9:30. He settled in big brown to peruse news, do crosswords and read his book on this miserable weather day. Up next was writing the Etsy ad up for it and getting it all set up. I went out in the blustery winter and took Zelos hay behind the shop. While out there I undid Sheldon's knot work to open the gate to let him go to the rolled out hay. I finished up the jewelry box Etsy ad and got it published. Finger's crossed for some sales!

Another Hometalk post; this one for the pink floral growth ruler that still has not sold. S made himself a grilled cheese for lunch. I had a piece of toast The table top had yet another stain oil coat put on. I peeled of the last of the labels on a rum bottle. Once dry I gave it a coat of primer.

The bowl I decoupaged was rubbed with the butta to refresh the outside and left to soak in. S ran the vacuum around the main floor then hit the couch for a nap after the task. Laundry was continued throughout the day. The snow let up before 1:30 as the horses came in for water. Zelos was done his hay and ventured out to meet them. It was fairly uneventful. The snow started back up soon after.

I pulled old acrylic molds off paper I have sorted for years. I think I am going to use them on the bottles too. Sharon stopped out after 2 to check on her horses. She changed her mind about taking them out to feed as still snowing so we watched from the garage. She headed home before 3 and not longer after the snow let up again. I painted a second coat of primer on the one bottle and first on another.

S went out after 3 to top a battery up with water. Seeing it was now less wintery he took H for a walk after a brush. I continued priming the bottles. Once back he was on to a new book with sports on TV of course. The laundry continues as I moved on to doing some more ancestry work.

I cooked up tasty prime ribs in the instant pot along with roasted veggies. It worked great as the ribs needed to broil with the homemade BBQ sauce I cooked up too. I was then back to the family tree. Again I had some crazy date mix ups to sort. Never assume others check dates :) S finished sports and headed to bed.  I wrapped up my family tree after 11 and read for awhile.

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