Monday, November 26, 2012

581 - Shaina is booked to go down under

Day 581 Britt was off early on the bus after a later evening of her and I (and part time Sheldon) watching Arthur Christmas. It was a cute animated Christmas show. I had a disrupted sleep after waking around 1:30 and not getting back to sleep for about 3 hours, grrr. I was however the sausage in the middle as Shaina enjoys our cozy bed. I did get back to sleep until Sheldon called a quarter to ten :-) I flogged Shaina up by 11.

my quilt rack urethaned and back in business and below my new micro flannel sheets I put on our bed.. can't wait!!
Today was a clean house day and get stuff in order. Much time was spent on the phone with the travel agent but in the end we officially booked Shaina's trip "down under". She leaves for New Zealand December 31 and returns from Australia May 6th. She plans to incorporate a trip to Thailand from there to for February and part of March.

After lunch Coco was whining at the door and seemed to have some pain. I called the vets who thought it sounded like a pulled muscle or tendon or compression in her back from a jump off the deck perhaps. She was put on bed rest but this had Shaina quite upset thinking it might be more. We do have her a vet check tomorrow morning if she does not seem better by then.

I made a trip to the storage trailer looking for some Christmas gifts and found one of my shelves I think would look good in the half bath. I am going to stain it dark and see what I think.
By 4 Coco seemed to be whining and uncomfortable so we loaded her up and took her to the vets, Britt arrived home in time to go with us. Dr Rand took x-rays and found the spine good and indeed as I suspected a very full tummy. It seems she had anal gland issues and constipation causing distress so an enema and anti inflammatory were the treatment and after a bill of $250 we were on our way.

Shaina stayed with her in the car while Britt and I ran into Wal-mart to get Coco Metamucil and a few other items. By now it was 6 pm and Britt drove us home. Sheldon had put the steel head trout in and made rice and a salad so we enjoyed a nice family supper. After supper Shaina headed down for a bath while Sheldon and Britt began the process of cutting the sausage meat. I updated the blog and entertained myself with laundry and more cleaning.

The butchers sent in tenderloin and I marinated with this venison marinade recipe but used olive and sesame oil combined.
Britt came in around 10 for a snack and to do homework while Sheldon finished up.
the very plump dog who is very much liking hunting season

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