Monday, May 8, 2023

Lessons in tides

Awake early due to time change but managed to lay quiet till 8 local. Coffee and maple cream started our day. S needed a hearty breakfast so we headed across the street to Cora’s. We then packed up and headed north in the car. There were many ocean view stops along the way.

We arrived at Tigh-Na-Mara just after 2 and our room was ready. Our condo style room overlooked the Craig bay. Currently the tide was out, check it out below. We are in 201A which is ground level in the back and this 2nd story view out front.

condo tour

These rooms have everything you might need; full kitchen, soft velour housecoats, umbrella, fireplace and a beautiful view from the deck. The cabins are where you can have pets and most seem to have a dog or 3. We got our stuff brought in then headed to restaurant for a late light lunch. 

here is a video of the gym and pool

We then took a walk out on the sea floor now the tide was out. It recedes about 1/2 mile here. It was really neat. Lots of people and dogs do this daily.

Back in our condo we had a cold drink sitting on the deck and watched the tide slowly roll in.

Can you see the water slowly moving in?

The hockey game was on next with us heading for a late steak supper back at cedars the restaurant. I had a tasty $30 sirloin but big spender ordered a $50 - 12 oz rib eye with additional scallops and mushrooms amping the cost to $70 and topped it off with a $16 tequila sunrise. Back at the condo we watched the end of the game. S fell asleep on the couch and I watched some Netflix- Queen Charlotte.

sunset over a full bay of water

I forgot to add multiple videos in yesterdays blog post, please go back and watch them

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