Friday, June 20, 2014

Rain! then some well needed sun

The rain came in and fell most of the day. I worked on buffing and reassembling the coral frames, staging and posting them then painting the 2nd coat of color on the bar stools before my trip to town to visit my acupuncturist after lunch. Shaina was off to work at the gym just before me. Britt headed off to work soon after I arrived back home. Sheldon anchored down the new horse shelter in the rain and worked in the shop for a bit.

Shaina was back for a late supper with Sheldon and I before Kate came out to enjoy a girls catch up visit! I put a 3rd coat of black polyshades on the stools after finding yet another lesson, no touch ups.. they become glaringly visible! I checked the rain gauge at 8 pm after our monsoon day and we had 6/10ths so far and it is still coming down.

Up early to complete fog but no rain. Britt was off to write math final. Seems we got another 1/10th since the check last night. By noon the rain was on again off again. Sheldon was off to town for a massage and errands. Shaina got picked up by Shannon to work at noon for a tournament. I finished the chairs with wax and brought in to stage.

I also sanded and assembled the new wood pieces for the antique table then gave it a good scrub.
and dark waxed the green mirror and staged and posted it too.

Kaylin and Lexi arrived around 5 and she was off to work at 6 till close the same tournament. It was not the best day but it went thru. Shaina and Shannon were back after supper. Poor Kaylin worked the supper and was home by 9 as golfers all cleared out after eating.  They all slept over as they all work another tournament at 8 am. Britt had caught a ride to a baseball team party in Hussar and spent the night there.

Friday we awoke to sunshine! how glorious! The girls were all off to work early. A flavored coffee in hand while checking online was soon spoiled by a fat mouse scurrying across the bedroom carpet into the ensuite! CRAP, Shaina had been complaining of mice noises for last few days but Sheldon assured her NO MICE can get into this house. WRONG, although when I screamed and yelled for him to get it, he ran for a broom (his excuse) Traps were set and he and I vacated the house, him to spray weeds and me to mow the grass after 2" of rain.
I put the green mirror on auction to start the day of furniture work
Britt was dropped off just before 2 and was forced to tidy the horse tack room. The garage washer has cratered, Sheldon attempted to see if he could repair to no avail. I worked on the antique table painting it the same treasure box green but with this finish it went bluer.

Britt was asked to ride her horse since so nice out.. even with her upset tummy! (self induced from the team party of course) The doctors office did call this am to confirm she did test positive for strep yet again ;-(
By the end of the day, no mouse was caught ;-(

1 comment:

  1. The mirror and little table turned out really nice. Frame with crosses looks gorgeous. Hugs
