Sunday, June 29, 2014

painting and polocrosse

Friday Shaina was off to work covering another tournament. I waxed up the green frame and staged it. Britt loved it and has decided to work it off. I got out fairly early and mowed all the grass before the impending rain this w/e.

Britt picked pasture poop while I sorted and reorganized the garden/tack shed; Cannot wait for the barn to get a tack room to organize it all in one place.

I painted up a welcome sign as a over 1000 follower giveaway, I cannot believe I have that many but appreciate all who follow. Anticipating more buyers soon :-)
Finally home from her work day around 5, Shaina joined Britt and I and we headed out for a conditioning ride followed by a fun practice! Time for a late supper which was scrumptious. We watched Parental Guidance before Shaina headed to Shannon for a campfire. Just as she was leaving, Stars flew over, a few ambulances and firetrucks blew by. Sure enough she came upon the accident at the corner of 817 & 901 which looked really bad :-(

Saturday - a rain storm broke out at 3 am in the morning and it seems lots of rain came down in a short half hour. Shaina arrived home just after it ended. The morning started overcast and windy and a headache for me. Even coffee and baileys did not seem to help. Britt and I were going to possibly go to practice today but with headache and wind and lack of Britt getting up, it was a pass. I checked gauge and it seems we got 2/10ths. I forgot to mention last time I checked after the rain few days back we had 3.5/10ths. Today though I hope the grass soaked it up quick cause the wind howled all day drying everything quickly.
I spent the day working on a free but broken dresser. sanding, repairs and scrubbing consumed many hours but I had my ipad and Suits to keep me company! Shaina was off to work at 3 - 9. I also painted a set of frames in treasure box as well as 3 large frames the same color for Britt.
She headed to the movies with Caleb and Grady just after 7 and after a day of tidying her room. Shaina headed to Calgary to stay the night with Kaylin after her shift finished late. I started another series Orange is The New Black and watched while making these rhubarb bars.

Sunday was overcast and still windy but Britt and I loaded up the horses and Shaina met us at the field for polox jackpot play. The day was not sunny but was ok until a quick downpour cleared the field around 4:30. It did not last long and soon many were have a potluck snack and beverages with the Irish folk who came over to play. We loaded up and were home around 6:30 where the weather turned to crap as we fed and let the horses go. A crappy squall rolled in and soon it was raining along with the wind. The girls and I ate bacon and tomato sandwiches and then watched Endless Love!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

hoof trimming week

Tuesday was a sunny yet windy day. Morning was spent inside. Shaina off to work covering for a sick friend 11-3:30, Britt helped cleaning out dishwasher, then spent 2 hours hand painting the numbers on my growth chart.
 I staged some photos and posted

I fed horses, gave medicine to KD, trimmed Pepper, I started trimming KD but she decided standing eating the new grass and getting a trim was confining so took off a few times. this required her being tied to the hitching post. It seems though that my quick trip to feed horses while putting hamburger on to fry and getting sidetracked trimming feet caused for a very burned piece of meat. Britt caught it when she went to the house (feigning bathroom break perhaps) I came in and cut off burnt (which Diego loved!) and successfully made the soup, put on to simmer and carried on with feet. Britt helped by chopping carrots for my soup then helped move horse fence behind shop. Goslings finally had baby Theodore Anthony, just under 10 pounds.

Once home Shaina helped me trim Baby then she and I went for a ride, finished Baby's hinds while I trimmed Daisy. Britt rode alone in the pen while we trimmed and rode then she was off to ball. After eating yummy soup Shaina joined a friend hitting the casino for the night. I started a new series called Suits

Wednesday Shaina came in around 5 am after being awake for an hour. We both fell asleep only to be awoke by sounds from the ensuite at 6:45. I thought she was up and rummaging through my drawers but soon realized it was the darn mouse.. sure enough he was trapped and quickly removed in a plastic bag for the Prince to deal with when home!. YEAH!!!! now there only better be one! I decided to stay up, make coffee and enjoy a rainbow right out my bedroom window.
Projects today were putting polycrylic on the growth ruler then started on what I thought was a magnetic frame. Turns out people create there own things for reasons unknown. Turns out the previous person spray painted the glass and covered a double matted 5 picture frame. I spent some time scraping the silver paint of the frame glass then put a coat of treasure box on the wood frame. Egg lady delivered eggs too.
Around 2:30 I loaded up and was off to town, first stop delivering the rustic table & eggs to Coreena, then eggs to Amanda before picking up a coffee table AJ scored for me and some sweet little glass milk jugs.
It was then time to head to Cross Iron where I hoped to get more trees and shrubs which sadly were all sold out at Costco so grabbed a few other items before going to the mall. I met Lori B and we enjoyed a quick supper before a great detox seminar at Saje. We then enjoyed a couple hours catching up finally leaving around 10 before the cleaning man had to sweep us out. Back at the ranch, Britt had two friends for a sleepover and Shaina arrived home from long day of work.

Thursday the 2 girls sleeping over were off by 10:30. Shaina was off to work soon after. The day was overcast and breezy. Britt washed up and treated horse heels which look like scratches while I trimmed Julio and finished Peppers back feet. This leaves only Hawk. I sanded and put the 2nd coat of poly on the growth ruler and the 2nd coat of paint of the frame.

Lexi and Kaylin arrived for the our Thursday visit but this time poor Lexi was not feeling well. Kaylin stopped at the vets prior to coming out getting an anti nausea shot and some meds for her last 5 days of illness. It seemed to work along with some rest periods in her kennel during the day. After a nice visit, Britt was off to work for 3:30 and Kaylin followed soon after to meet Shaina at the gym (who took the shift there from 4-6) to work out before she goes to work at 5.

The gal who bid on the 3 coral frames stopped to pick up. I distressed and waxed the frame and staged the growth ruler. The dogs and I walked to the gate where I planted some geraniums in the planters there. Britt grabbed groceries on her way home from work, then bathed Lexi in exchange for more makeup! (shown above trying it out)

While updating the blog I finished season one of Suits, good series for anyone looking to watch a new one on Netflix! Shaina spent the evening golfing after her double work shift day.
color coordinated dogs and carpet :-)
this was them last week after a hard play time. Kaylin picked up Lexi after her shift and then headed back to Calgary.

Monday, June 23, 2014

movies, polox & sunshine

Saturday I was awake around 5:30 and finally got up to make coffee at 7. It was storming at bedtime and raining again this am. Today is polocrosse in the city but it looks miserable here with puddles everywhere and dreary skies. So we cancelled and moved our 9 am horse chiroparator to noon. Britt was off to work 10-3 so Shaina and I loaded up 3 horses and hauled to him. The rain started again on the way there and part of the visit. Sheldon stayed home to work on the shop.

All 3 horses had major pains and blockages but Scooter was the loudest popper. KD seems to be suffering acid reflux so on the way home we stopped at Wal-mart (much to Shaina's chagrin with our embarrassing rubber boots on and my red flannel farm coat) to get her zantac! As we came out of the store the sun began to shine, yeah!

Back at the ranch we administered the pills and released them to go rest after their treatment. I put up the 3rd picture requiring nails in the wall.. I am far more selective after the work of building painting etc. I really want to love the piece and be sure it goes where it does.
I also distressed and waxed the antique table and staged a few pictures.

At 4 we all loaded up and headed to the city, first stop at Costco to do returns and grab dog food and few other goodies then off to celebrate anniversary and fathers day at Joeys. Unfortunately for us Kaylin was doing makeup at a wedding and was also invited to all festivities so could not join us. After a most scrumptious supper it was movie time, Shaina and I took in The Fault In Our Stars while Sheldon and Britt went to The Amazing Spiderman 2. Both were great picks then home to rest after a busy day.

Sunday was a nice sunny day so we packed up and went to polocrosse.
 my only flourishing tree.. and garden coming up
 the wee grass is coming.. of course heavy where not wanted.. in the tree wells!

It was fun for all 4 of us for a change. Gail came to watch then she took Shaina to Japanese Village for a late birthday supper while we had social hour then were off for home around 6. When Shaina got home she joined us for Sons of Anarchy, a new series we are going to watch while Britt studied for her Chemistry 30 final which is tomorrow!

Due to training course, Sheldon's Tuesday departure was moved to Monday. He was off before 4 am to make his way north. I was up early getting coffee ready for the last test of her grade 11 year daughter. Shaina was up soon after preparing for her double work day.

I had a busy day mowing and trimming more trees, once Britt was home from her test she started to pick pasture poop while I moved 3 Japanese peonies then joined her to pick another wheelbarrow full on top of her one we took and dumped in the pit. It was then time to trim horses, the time goes to fast. Today was Bird, Scooter and Miss Switch. While we had Switch out we trimmed her mane , buffed her up with show sheen and scrubbed her white foot before snapping photos for the Australian Stock Horse cybershow. Britt got KD to eat her pills too, 1 more week for her and hopefully her tummy is good.
 the shop prep Sheldon has done to date
 Miss Switch a roo
 our 2 year old Australian Stock horse
Britt had to leave for work for 4 while I finished horses and then watered my if you can believe it DRY garden and front flower beds. I then had to run to Goslings to feed pets, seems baby G is on his way! seeing it is only me at home supper is a cold beer and juice with the new jalapeno yogurt dip/tortilla chips and miss vicky's S&V chips for dessert! Feed my dogs, horses next and then spend a chunk of time updating the blog for the last 6 days.

Britt arrived home from work after 8, cleaned up items left from our day outside and hit the basement. She is not in the most cheerful of moods considering it was her last day but then again I think she is upset she did not finish 4 of the questions on the diploma test. It was her first diploma test and 30 class so understandable.
I put the dark wax on the antique table. Barb Kuhn purchased it, won the mirror auction and her son bought one of the tables I had on a rainy day sale this w/e.
like the dark wax addition?
another amazing sunset over a green pasture full of ponies

Friday, June 20, 2014

Rain! then some well needed sun

The rain came in and fell most of the day. I worked on buffing and reassembling the coral frames, staging and posting them then painting the 2nd coat of color on the bar stools before my trip to town to visit my acupuncturist after lunch. Shaina was off to work at the gym just before me. Britt headed off to work soon after I arrived back home. Sheldon anchored down the new horse shelter in the rain and worked in the shop for a bit.

Shaina was back for a late supper with Sheldon and I before Kate came out to enjoy a girls catch up visit! I put a 3rd coat of black polyshades on the stools after finding yet another lesson, no touch ups.. they become glaringly visible! I checked the rain gauge at 8 pm after our monsoon day and we had 6/10ths so far and it is still coming down.

Up early to complete fog but no rain. Britt was off to write math final. Seems we got another 1/10th since the check last night. By noon the rain was on again off again. Sheldon was off to town for a massage and errands. Shaina got picked up by Shannon to work at noon for a tournament. I finished the chairs with wax and brought in to stage.

I also sanded and assembled the new wood pieces for the antique table then gave it a good scrub.
and dark waxed the green mirror and staged and posted it too.

Kaylin and Lexi arrived around 5 and she was off to work at 6 till close the same tournament. It was not the best day but it went thru. Shaina and Shannon were back after supper. Poor Kaylin worked the supper and was home by 9 as golfers all cleared out after eating.  They all slept over as they all work another tournament at 8 am. Britt had caught a ride to a baseball team party in Hussar and spent the night there.

Friday we awoke to sunshine! how glorious! The girls were all off to work early. A flavored coffee in hand while checking online was soon spoiled by a fat mouse scurrying across the bedroom carpet into the ensuite! CRAP, Shaina had been complaining of mice noises for last few days but Sheldon assured her NO MICE can get into this house. WRONG, although when I screamed and yelled for him to get it, he ran for a broom (his excuse) Traps were set and he and I vacated the house, him to spray weeds and me to mow the grass after 2" of rain.
I put the green mirror on auction to start the day of furniture work
Britt was dropped off just before 2 and was forced to tidy the horse tack room. The garage washer has cratered, Sheldon attempted to see if he could repair to no avail. I worked on the antique table painting it the same treasure box green but with this finish it went bluer.

Britt was asked to ride her horse since so nice out.. even with her upset tummy! (self induced from the team party of course) The doctors office did call this am to confirm she did test positive for strep yet again ;-(
By the end of the day, no mouse was caught ;-(