Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mothers day tomorrow May 11th!

Since last post, Brittany's friends threw her a birthday party ending up here for a sleepover then the next day which happened to be a Friday off school, taking her to the water slides in Calgary. what good friends she has. ;-) While she was off and Shaina was getting ready for work I had cleaners come in. This was the highlight of my year. Three girls cleaned for almost 4 hours and since the house has yet to have a good overhaul since we moved in, they were busy. The end result was perfect!

 cute little touches like folded toilet tissue and Kleenex and shower curtain drapes

SNOW was a constant on and off thing but came full force when Mom came up to go with all us girls for her early Mother's Day gift, Odysseo. Another great Cirque De Soliel show, a first horse one for Kaylin.

 the girls prepare for a photo
yet one still has a silly face.. but here are my beauties
 and my Mom as we enjoyed supper before and at the show below
I forgot to get a picture with me and the girls so Mom snapped one when we got home but grumpy B would not join Shaina and I
A table I finished and posted sold right away and picked up next day The two girls went shopping together, how sweet while I stayed home to see Mom off and then work in the shop while they cut down trees at winery, how odd is that to see now.
even less wind protection now ;-(
I made up 2 Creative Moments giveaways in hopes of increasing followers (buyers) but so far not many new likers have singed up but it is an effort I guess.

 More projects were completed.. and sold
One day I was really busy painting doing many projects. I like those accomplishing days, now just to sell them all.

Amanda and the kids stopped out to drop off Britt's gift..Britt says thanks, it is so pretty

Sheldon worked on the round a bout, rota-tilling then hauling wood chips to finish it off

2 princess kay trees we spaded in are coming from the base but think they are not true plums and will go to the pit along with so many others ;-(

this is what $300 in wood chips looks like ;-(
Britt attended another concert, this time Luke Bryan with her good friend Grady. I painted a custom frame for a neighbor and she bought the above coat rack when she came to pick up the frame
 she if framing a 4 generation family photo in it so disregard the ski photo
Sheldon, Britt and I cleaned ditches this am for the polocrosse club then came home to try and enjoy some sun here before the rain blew in. Britt rode Bird while I trimmed Scooter's feet, then Bird's and worked on Switch's just lifting. Britt headed to the city with Kyra for a double movie night while I worked on the picture heavy blog and Sheldon ran to town for fuel. The day that started so nice then got cloudy and spitty ended up with yet another sleet storm rolling in at 5:30.. yuck

Happy Mothers day all ! XOXOXO


  1. I think I am getting the hang of (posting a comment!) Still hope for me. Glad to see your snow has gone and yard work can begin in earnest. The round-about is looking good! Not much has started sprouting at my house. Just bleeding heart and tiny shoots on some peonies. Hugs Mom

    1. you are getting it!! I am sad my tulips and peonies are so slow but the japanese peonies are up are ready to bloom :-)
