Saturday, January 6, 2024

Many blogs posted

The year has started well for S being served his coffee in bed each day and sleeping in. This retirement is a good thing I think. I got laundry going and published Boxing Day post.

Time is ticking to get my paint order in seeing I missed December already. Once it was in, I created a Hometalk post for the rice paper art. S filled the hot tub and treated it seeing the cold weather is coming. A quick cleanup in the garage while S finished the garage door lock mechanism repair. I started more laundry out there too.

As we were having leftovers for lunch S saw the flames game was on now. It was already in the 2nd period! Seeing I am so far behind on blog posts I decided to go totally random with Thursday's post published, Boxing Day this am, as well as the following WednesdayI will continue to publish as I get them as I get them done. Please check thru to see which ones you might have missed. 

Look who is 7 months old!!

She is growing so fast!

B arrived at 2 feeling a bit better. She fed and found Roo needing care. I helped her get her in the barn bringing Switch in to keep her quiet. I groomed Switch while B put a poultice on her back right foot that abscessed last week followed by boots on both back feet. Then we prepped both stalls moving the feed out of one. Shavings were added as I filled and hung hay bags. Beibs was brought in to stay the night with her. I took Switch back out on my way back to the house.

Laundry continued in both sets with S helping to fold while watching his all day hockey games. I chopped leftover turkey and made an instant pot meal. It turned out tasty but the noodles too hard even cooking for 5 mins instead of the recipes 4. I would cook 8 min next time.

B ran to town for poultice pads then back to check horses before heading home. Bird got a blanket put on as well. S continued his hockey game marathon and I was back to working on blogs. I published this week Wednesday's post and last week's Thursday trip to Oyen. S had moved to bed to watch hockey. I wrapped up my blogging, checked the horses: water good, poop scooped and Beibs hay net rehung then headed to bed. The weather has turned yucky with snow coming down in a wind and -6.

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