Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Years Eve

After watching the sunrise which is not actually till 8:40 something I made coffee and played some brain games with a cup. H of course went out in the -7 then had a late breakfast. Once S was awake he had a cup and perused his news feed then got reading his book in big brown. I did marketing, divvied up H food for a couple more days.

We finished the last of the hamburger soup for lunch then S back to reading and me working on our dining table tutorial. B and Cooper were out around 1. She fed then I went out and we took the dogs for a loop. It was now -2 with loads of sunshine.  S was taking down the front entry Xmas decor when we got back. B was off for home and I helped S take the stuff back to the mez for another year.

new camera seemed to not get super clear pics.. or maybe it was the ppl

Back to reading for the prince before he hit the shower at 4 to prep for our NYE date night. He read a bit more while I painted my nails. We had a cocktail as we watched Team Canada in the juniors game. We left after 5 swinging thru town to drop library books off then head to Chop for our reservation that was at 6:30. Seems we made very good time arriving just after 6 but our table was ready. 

We had a table perfect view to watch Team Canada win over the undefeated Sweden as well as other games on the TV's too. I had delicious steak Oscar while Sheldon had prime rib soup followed by prime rib which he rated delicious. We each had a $10 coffee seeing we had a 3+ hour movie ahead.

We arrived at the movie theater just after 8 and found our prebooked recliner seats. Avatar: The Way of Water started about 8:49 and kept us engaged till it ended at 11:52 just in time for the New Year count down family texts. On our drive home we saw lots of private fireworks displays around Chestermere and Langdon. I also got to share with S his Flames won tonight. (The game was another option for the date) We arrived home around 12:30. While S put the cats away with Harley and Cooper (B dropped him off to hang out with her before 7 and gave her her steroids, thanks B!) I made us a yogurt fruit bowl then we were off to bed to read a bit before lights out. So long 2022 you were quite the year but 2023 is going to be wayyyy better! B picked up Cooper at 3:30 am, ole party B!

Friday, December 30, 2022

Reading day

B dropped Cooper off before 7 am to stay the day and evening as she has things after work. It was -10 today upon waking, H was fed and first day pill free then dogs let out for a bit. S made coffee then got busy reading his book while I worked on marketing. He took a break mid morning to let cats out and give the dogs a bison horn and leg. H of course took the leg and I think the magpies took the horn as it was no where to be found later when S picked up the leg. I also perused a place to eat tomorrow before the Avatar movie we plan to see at 8:30.

After a bowl of soup I went and fed the horses and did a search for horn with no luck either. Back inside we spent the afternoon reading in the sunshine of course with the dogs going in and out allot of the time. I cant remember a day that we both read with just sun and quiet. I fine tuned our supper reservation and movie tickets for tomorrow night. Supper was delicious ribs, spinach salad and KD. The last of the cheesecake was for dessert, thanks Mom!!

We were then back to reading. S finished his book and I had a couple chapters left but took a break to go for a hot tub. After a rinse S started a new book and I finished mine. I too started a new book, one of the ones he just finished. Britt arrived before 11:30 to pick up Cooper. B darned if Dave did not hit another deer tonight in his new truck and looks like a total write off is ahead. Not long after it was lights out for us.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Foggy hoar frost day

I awoke to a weird low lying fog today. It looks very cool and hard to photograph. H got her pills and breakfast and let out in the -9 before I started the coffee. I was doing some marketing while Mom had a bath then packed up to head home. She and S had a coffee and she was off after 9:30. Not long later the fog rolled in thick but had sun behind it for an eerie look. I got laundry on the go.

I headed out before lunch to feed the horses and let the cats out. S joined me to walk H to the gate and back then he was off to shinny which was early at 1 today. Inside I found I had another Etsy sale for nutcrackers so packaged them up and did the shipping label. I made a tuna sandwich for lunch and worked on the blog. I divvied up and packaged H food for 2 days and pulled out more to thaw then read some of my book in the quiet house.

foggy yet bit bright behind

The fog slowly started to melt away after 2:30 as I was folding clothes. However it started to roll back in half hour later. I started the new season of Emily In Paris while folding loads. S arrived with tea and off to TV room at 3:15 for more hockey. Britt and Cooper arrived at the same time to trim horse feet having today off and seeing I already fed horses. She headed home after 4 dropping my parcel at the mail, THANKS B!!

I made a pot of hamburger soup for supper which was yummy as always. S started a new book Dead Mountain; a true story mountain climbing tragedy. I worked on marketing, blog and tutorials.

We ventured out in the -9 but no wind to soak in the tub. The hoar frost was very pretty at night too. Back inside it was shower time and a piece of cherry cheesecake. We headed to bed to read our respective books. S shut out the lights on his side and I continued till after 11. I got up to get a throat lozenge then as Harley ambled out to her bed I remembered I had forgotten her last antibiotic pills and her steroids so gave her those and left her to sleep in the garage.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Snowy winter day

Another repeat day but today it was snowing lightly and -14. Mom packed up her stuff to head home but decided that the weather may be better tomorrow so changed plans. She headed into Dad's at 10:30. I published the mandala plant pot tutorial I had done last week and did the sharing.

We grabbed our Costco returns and headed into the city after 11. S grabbed chlorine at the spa place then we went to a Vietnamese place for lunch. It was not as good as it has been in the past and sadly prices have gone up too. We stopped at Spence to get my ring resized then drove to another jeweler for the other but they were closed so off to Costco.

these are artisan grown diamonds, the top pair are 8 carat priced at $61K and if they were mined they would be $360K!!!

The return line up at Costco was horrendous, seems everyone had the same idea I had to go mid week after the boxing day rush. S went in to check out the deals with me joining to help get the list. We grabbed a tea for the drive home. Back at the house things were unpacked and H fed. S was off to watch the Canada juniors game. I tidied the house and vacuumed and during an intermission he went out to shovel sidewalks.

I had to snap a picture of the blacks all in a line with sentinel Pepper up front as we drove in

B and Coop were out after 7:30 to feed then off for home by 8. I headed out to have a hot tub soak then gave H her pills after a quick rinse. S was onto a Flames game in the TV room. I delivered S a yogurt bowl and took mine and crawled into bed to read with a short visit with Mom when she was back at 9:30. After the Flames win S went out for a hot tub soak at 10:30 then back to sport highlights before bed.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Real boxing up day

It was another ground hogs day to start with the exception S had to empty and refill the coffee pot while I fed and med H (cats stayed outside last night) It is plus 1 but fogged in and ice everywhere. S found the yard sheer ice when he went to check the cats were safe and sound as we forgot to lock them up. Mom headed to Dad's after her coffees and toast after 10.

I spent the day trying to get the house back in order, did laundry and checked out all my lovely gifts. S had the junior hockey games on all day in the background while he perused his laptop. Lunch was leftovers including broiling up the last of the wings. B and Coop popped out to finish them off. She fed and was off for home around 2:45 when the fog finally was letting up slowly.

The tree was taken down and put in the box S retrieved. I hauled the decoration box back down to the storage and moved plants all back around after a vacuum. Usually I leave till New Year but this year has been an odd one so went with the cleaning momentum. I also tried to do some boxing day shopping for a mattress cover and I ordered the combo insta pot/ air fryer Amanda has to exchange the air fryer S gave me.

within minutes it was total fog

I continued to work on catching up the blog for last 4 days and uploading, editing and watermarking the photos. I sure did not take many but certainly more then anyone else. Supper was procrastinated long enough that we decided to run to town to grab a burger. As we prepped to go the fog rolled back in in minutes at 4:45. We made it to the dump just before closing, grabbed our burgers then back home thru the now soup pea thick fog.

After getting H out of the truck we went in to eat our burgers. Hockey entertained S and I was back to the blog catchup with again another hot tub soak after 6. It was zero out having been just above that most of the day. Amazing how much the snow has melt and sank in the last 2 days. I did find I had not logged into my CM page for a day and low and behold the desk had a buyer. The table also had one but was the same lady from last week. The desk will be picked up next week.

I headed to bed to read with Mom arriving at 8:45. Again it reminded me to give H her pills I had set out. She and I chatted for a bit then both off to bed. S came to bed after battle of Alberta hockey/sports ended at midnight.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day

My sleep was solid till 7 but I drifted back not getting up till 9 to give H her meds and feed them all. The cats were then sent outside as it was PLUS 3 out and melting. But sadly is overcast and a bit blustery. My headache was finally gone but oddly had a nauseous feeling all day as did S. Coffee was started with Mom and S up now too. Unfortunately I got a call Dad had fallen again getting out of wheelchair at breakfast but no injuries. I got Mom a go cup for her coffee and she was off to help him with breakfast at 10.

Sheldon cooked toad in a hole for K, N and himself. I cooked one for Shaina when she surfaced. Nathan packed up Beans and they headed back to the city to get some work done . The 4 of us played crib then S went for a hot tub before he cleaned filters. Us girls played blitz finishing up when Britt and Cooper arrived before 1. She fed horses then trimmed Lexi and Harleys toenails then the city girls packed up and headed home. B and Coop headed home then too. Time to tidy up games and the main room.

S napped in big brown wheel H and I went for a walk in the blustery but PLUS 6 day. The sun finally popped out as we walked back. I did a search and find for an esophagus in the snowbank before coming in to try and catch up on the blog. S and I played crib on our new crib board then prepped a steak supper. The steak was really good but the potato/carrot/cheese package ended up blackened so I passed on it but S ate what was salvageable. S moved to TV room to watch the hockey game and I worked on the computer with a hot tub part way thru. This was his second of the day and my first in many days. It was nice to have above zero weather outside to soak.

Still feeling off we headed to bed after the hockey game ended after 7 to watch some Succession with a yogurt bowl. It didn't take long to become drowsy even with a percussion massage while watching. To be sure he slept S took a sleeping aid and was fast asleep by 8:30. I read for a bit then lights out. I did wake when Harley barked at Mom's 9:30 arrival which reminded me I forgot her pills so went and did that and left her in the garage for the night. Back in bed I remembered we forgot to put the cats in the shop, oopps.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas 2022

I was up early with a not great sleep and with a headache still to give H her meds and feed her and cats. It was -14 out (plus 3 overnight) but fingers crossed it warms as promised. Mom was up so I put coffee on with S joining us. I had a quick shower before the others slowly came up to get a coffee/creamer then did some gifts exchanging.

trying hard to get a picture of his teeth he likes to show when thinking

Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived after feeding horses at 11:30. I made French toast to go with the bacon put in along with a pan for Shaina’s Brussels sprouts earlier.  Mom ran to town after eating to help Dad with lunch. Everyone dressed for the day, Nathan had a nap as did S on the couch while B, D, Shaina and I played 1/2 a game of canasta.

B and D headed home and we loaded food, drinks and games and headed to Paetz’s before 3. Mom and Travis were just helping Dad in he house. Kaylin, Shaina and Nathan arrived not long after and a lovely evening and of games and fun were enjoyed. Britt and Dave arrived after 5:30 having ran to feed horses again. The day did warm up hitting about -5 which felt fab compared to the recent cold snap.

The meal was fabulous with a tasty turkey and sides with yummy Brussels sprouts by Shaina and delicious kale salad by Kaylin. More games ensued all over the house. K, N and S ran home to feed dogs and S gave H her meds too, THANKS!

Dessert was had much later in the evening after Mom and Travis took Dad back to Sagewood. Kaylin and Nathan headed home after 11, Mom after 12 and the rest of us left after 1. THANKS for hosting Paetz family XOXOX I had to read for a bit but took a sleeping aid to finally try and get a solid sleep turning light off at 2.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Xmas Eve & big news

Christmas Eve started brisk at -19 when I woke; sadly accompanied with headache that lasted all day. The usual coffee, H fed/meds and the cats who are still living in the garage. I did some more vacuuming, plant watering and food prep.

watch these 2 play

I painted my nails while S rolled out a bale and Shaina did computer work. Kaylin was prepping for the day along with dog care. The girls headed to town at 11 to grab their groceries and Kaylin used a nail gift certificate from Britt a few years back.

I took H for a walk at 1 to take horse blankets off but still very cold at -16. We came back where I published the antique table tutorial. I took Beans out now for a short walk then in to play tug of war. He chugged a bowl of water then out he and I went again for another walk where he did both business, good boy!

Girls were back at 2. As I got ready before 3 I heard rain on bathroom window, how odd as it is -16 out. Finally it started to warm a bit more hitting -8 at 4 pm as I was writing tutorials, girls got makeup on and S finished his chicken wings and water chestnuts Shaina managed to find him in town. Nathan arrived with Lexi just before S was off to town to church after 4:30.

B and Dave were out with her going straight to the horses to take of their blankets. The girls, Nathan, Dave and I played games. When I took Beans out for a potty break, the temperature was now PLUS 1 and climbing to 3!!

Lexi played too

Mom, Travis and dad arrived not long before Sheldon was back from church bring Asher and Archer with the rest of the Paetz’s coming after they went home to load up all their yummy appetizers. The evening had loads of food, games all over including a pool tournament with a DQ ice cream brought out that said this.

Looks like we are officially going to be grandparents with a room of aunties, uncles, cousins and great grandparents. And the baby may be an anniversary present 2023. Before Mom and Travis took Dad back after 9:30 we took a few family pics.

this one made my day!!

We wrapped up the evening around 1:30. I had to read once in bed even tough I felt tuckered and my headache remained even with 8 pills throughout the day. S crawled in and was asleep in minutes ;/

Friday, December 23, 2022

Still no warm up

Today started at -24 but with a wind and falling snow that increased. S even got to sleep in till 9:30 when I brought him a hot coffee to wake him. I did some marketing with my coffees, thru in laundry and finalized my list for town. The bison brisket was put in the slow cooker for supper. He ran out to plug in the skid steer to push snow later and tossed the ponies a couple small squares at the west end of the shop.

I had H loaded along with some parcel and book returns awaiting his return. He quickly pulled off snow clothes and jumped in drivers seat. It seems he was a little to quick on the reverse hitting the garage door and knocking it off its rail and creasing a panel. He was able to pipe wrench hammer it back in and get the car out of the garage and closed thankfully.

Not the way to start the day but definitely could have been worse. The roads were slow going but we made it just in time for H's 11 am vet appointment. It seems the diet I had her on is working as she is 59.7KG (132 lbs) Dr Dave liked the improvement but put her on another week of antibiotics and more steroids to be sure it totally heals.

Our next stop was Tim Hortons for a tea and muffin late breakfast. S dropped me at Walmart to get last minute groceries while he dropped parcels and books off and picked up Cooper. He was back to pick me up and before we headed home there was one last stop at No Frills to grab a couple more items but could not find water chestnuts S wanted for bacon wrapped ones for tomorrow night.

Back at the ranch I gave H her antibiotics and unloaded my groceries. S worked on the garage door stuffing towels in to fill the gap. S went out after his grilled cheese sandwich and a rest to plow the snow at 2. I continued the tidying and laundry including bathrooms scrubbed and vacuuming.

S came in not feeling well at 3:30 to nap on the couch. I sent out a Christmas email and of course had lots of non deliverable addresses to try and update. S carved the bison brisket when the Kaylin and Shaina text they were leaving town. We waited for bit with Britt & Dave arriving to join us. It turned out really good and will make again. Game night ensued with B&D heading home around 11:30. I read for awhile after we headed to bed after midnight.