Saturday, December 24, 2022

Xmas Eve & big news

Christmas Eve started brisk at -19 when I woke; sadly accompanied with headache that lasted all day. The usual coffee, H fed/meds and the cats who are still living in the garage. I did some more vacuuming, plant watering and food prep.

watch these 2 play

I painted my nails while S rolled out a bale and Shaina did computer work. Kaylin was prepping for the day along with dog care. The girls headed to town at 11 to grab their groceries and Kaylin used a nail gift certificate from Britt a few years back.

I took H for a walk at 1 to take horse blankets off but still very cold at -16. We came back where I published the antique table tutorial. I took Beans out now for a short walk then in to play tug of war. He chugged a bowl of water then out he and I went again for another walk where he did both business, good boy!

Girls were back at 2. As I got ready before 3 I heard rain on bathroom window, how odd as it is -16 out. Finally it started to warm a bit more hitting -8 at 4 pm as I was writing tutorials, girls got makeup on and S finished his chicken wings and water chestnuts Shaina managed to find him in town. Nathan arrived with Lexi just before S was off to town to church after 4:30.

B and Dave were out with her going straight to the horses to take of their blankets. The girls, Nathan, Dave and I played games. When I took Beans out for a potty break, the temperature was now PLUS 1 and climbing to 3!!

Lexi played too

Mom, Travis and dad arrived not long before Sheldon was back from church bring Asher and Archer with the rest of the Paetz’s coming after they went home to load up all their yummy appetizers. The evening had loads of food, games all over including a pool tournament with a DQ ice cream brought out that said this.

Looks like we are officially going to be grandparents with a room of aunties, uncles, cousins and great grandparents. And the baby may be an anniversary present 2023. Before Mom and Travis took Dad back after 9:30 we took a few family pics.

this one made my day!!

We wrapped up the evening around 1:30. I had to read once in bed even tough I felt tuckered and my headache remained even with 8 pills throughout the day. S crawled in and was asleep in minutes ;/

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