Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas 2022

I was up early with a not great sleep and with a headache still to give H her meds and feed her and cats. It was -14 out (plus 3 overnight) but fingers crossed it warms as promised. Mom was up so I put coffee on with S joining us. I had a quick shower before the others slowly came up to get a coffee/creamer then did some gifts exchanging.

trying hard to get a picture of his teeth he likes to show when thinking

Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived after feeding horses at 11:30. I made French toast to go with the bacon put in along with a pan for Shaina’s Brussels sprouts earlier.  Mom ran to town after eating to help Dad with lunch. Everyone dressed for the day, Nathan had a nap as did S on the couch while B, D, Shaina and I played 1/2 a game of canasta.

B and D headed home and we loaded food, drinks and games and headed to Paetz’s before 3. Mom and Travis were just helping Dad in he house. Kaylin, Shaina and Nathan arrived not long after and a lovely evening and of games and fun were enjoyed. Britt and Dave arrived after 5:30 having ran to feed horses again. The day did warm up hitting about -5 which felt fab compared to the recent cold snap.

The meal was fabulous with a tasty turkey and sides with yummy Brussels sprouts by Shaina and delicious kale salad by Kaylin. More games ensued all over the house. K, N and S ran home to feed dogs and S gave H her meds too, THANKS!

Dessert was had much later in the evening after Mom and Travis took Dad back to Sagewood. Kaylin and Nathan headed home after 11, Mom after 12 and the rest of us left after 1. THANKS for hosting Paetz family XOXOX I had to read for a bit but took a sleeping aid to finally try and get a solid sleep turning light off at 2.

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