Friday, December 30, 2022

Reading day

B dropped Cooper off before 7 am to stay the day and evening as she has things after work. It was -10 today upon waking, H was fed and first day pill free then dogs let out for a bit. S made coffee then got busy reading his book while I worked on marketing. He took a break mid morning to let cats out and give the dogs a bison horn and leg. H of course took the leg and I think the magpies took the horn as it was no where to be found later when S picked up the leg. I also perused a place to eat tomorrow before the Avatar movie we plan to see at 8:30.

After a bowl of soup I went and fed the horses and did a search for horn with no luck either. Back inside we spent the afternoon reading in the sunshine of course with the dogs going in and out allot of the time. I cant remember a day that we both read with just sun and quiet. I fine tuned our supper reservation and movie tickets for tomorrow night. Supper was delicious ribs, spinach salad and KD. The last of the cheesecake was for dessert, thanks Mom!!

We were then back to reading. S finished his book and I had a couple chapters left but took a break to go for a hot tub. After a rinse S started a new book and I finished mine. I too started a new book, one of the ones he just finished. Britt arrived before 11:30 to pick up Cooper. B darned if Dave did not hit another deer tonight in his new truck and looks like a total write off is ahead. Not long after it was lights out for us.

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