Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Years Eve

After watching the sunrise which is not actually till 8:40 something I made coffee and played some brain games with a cup. H of course went out in the -7 then had a late breakfast. Once S was awake he had a cup and perused his news feed then got reading his book in big brown. I did marketing, divvied up H food for a couple more days.

We finished the last of the hamburger soup for lunch then S back to reading and me working on our dining table tutorial. B and Cooper were out around 1. She fed then I went out and we took the dogs for a loop. It was now -2 with loads of sunshine.  S was taking down the front entry Xmas decor when we got back. B was off for home and I helped S take the stuff back to the mez for another year.

new camera seemed to not get super clear pics.. or maybe it was the ppl

Back to reading for the prince before he hit the shower at 4 to prep for our NYE date night. He read a bit more while I painted my nails. We had a cocktail as we watched Team Canada in the juniors game. We left after 5 swinging thru town to drop library books off then head to Chop for our reservation that was at 6:30. Seems we made very good time arriving just after 6 but our table was ready. 

We had a table perfect view to watch Team Canada win over the undefeated Sweden as well as other games on the TV's too. I had delicious steak Oscar while Sheldon had prime rib soup followed by prime rib which he rated delicious. We each had a $10 coffee seeing we had a 3+ hour movie ahead.

We arrived at the movie theater just after 8 and found our prebooked recliner seats. Avatar: The Way of Water started about 8:49 and kept us engaged till it ended at 11:52 just in time for the New Year count down family texts. On our drive home we saw lots of private fireworks displays around Chestermere and Langdon. I also got to share with S his Flames won tonight. (The game was another option for the date) We arrived home around 12:30. While S put the cats away with Harley and Cooper (B dropped him off to hang out with her before 7 and gave her her steroids, thanks B!) I made us a yogurt fruit bowl then we were off to bed to read a bit before lights out. So long 2022 you were quite the year but 2023 is going to be wayyyy better! B picked up Cooper at 3:30 am, ole party B!

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