Monday, August 1, 2022

Last stampede day

 S surprisingly took H for a pee 6:30 ish then they both crawled back in bed. I was up after 9 feeding H washing up dishes then woke S to head to the ranch around 10. B was here giving Roo her antibiotics for her sickness but was soon gone. I worked on accounting and computer work along with more laundry underway, S relaxed then watered the garden and planters. It was another warm day underway. We also booked a white water rafting trip for next Sunday, the girls belated Father’s Day gift for S. He showered up and after I moved the horses back to the house paddock at 12 we headed back to the campground leaving H home in the A/C for the day.

check out the grass in the far paddock?

Sheldon took this photo :)

We packed up the umbrella and my bag full of goodies; set blanket, snacks and a cold drink. Today we chose to sit on the west rush seats in the shade to start near the grandstand. Right at the top in our usual Monday spot. Lunch was next getting Lion’s beef on a bun, a beer for S then eating at our seats. Today the 1 pm performance was the chucks. They ended at 2:30 with a little break before the 3 pm rodeo performance. Mom and Dad had arrived at their grandstand seats in time to watch the last 3 heats but Dad found the metal seats super hard. S and I ran to the trailer where I grabbed a quilt for them and filled our water bottles with ice and cold drink. 

They were happy to get the quilt and we got back to our seats after a short visit. The rodeo was longer then past few days with more contestants and presentations too but very enjoyable. The umbrella was perfect for the heat to our backs now. After it ended S went to help cut down all the banners and I went to visit with Mom and Dad then help them get on a cart to take them to their car.

S and I met walking back to the trailer where we hooked and packed everything up, pulled in slides, water and power then dumped the tanks. We parked close to the civic center and headed in for the volunteer supper before 7, enjoyed a good meal, dessert and a couple beverages before heading for home around 8:30 stopping to fill with fuel on the way. Britt and Coop were at the ranch feeding and giving Roo meds but soon off. I fed H who was patiently waiting for her very late supper. We unloaded, got more wash going again and now some folding with S finally getting to watch sports. It has been many days TV free for us other then the animal Kingdom episodes on the iPad/TV combo. 

The crazy wind picked up even more as I jumped in the shower with S running to shut the trailer and garage doors. I wrote the blog for last couple days in bed as the prince fell asleep, it has been busy rodeo 6 days of volunteering and tomorrow is his big cake day!

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