Saturday, August 13, 2022

Caught in a storm - lots of videos

I was awake early at 7:30 and after playing some games I went out to feed H and let the horses out. No more meds for Switch. The cats got a bit of raw and back inside to make coffee. I got working on accounting which ate up a few hours. The prince came out for his cup after a sleep in til after 9:30. He went on the deck to enjoy his cups. I also ordered food for H and saw I had even more unsubs from my tutorial blog ;(

Of course now in the heat of the day at 11 we head out to do things. I caught Switch and trimmed her feet then lunged her for a short time to help her cough while S put silicone on the horse trailer roof seeing it was wet inside again after the July rains. I then scooped poop while S found snow fence posts however when we went to put them in I suggested we do in cooler weather as it is almost noon and 29 out.

Inside we had lunch then S hit big brown surfing the YouTube and interweb while I moved plants around. We packed up and headed to the river at 2 seeing it is now over 31 degrees. After a few detours for construction we made it legacy island. We hauled chairs, umbrella cooler and a rope/life jacket to the "island" and just got settled when threatening skies rolled in from the west. I suggested we pack up and wait till it passed but the river guide wanted to stay. 

Harley makes her water crossing (video)

now me crossing (video)

"storms a coming maybe we should go?"  "Nah it will be fine"

S decide to go venture to a farther island and below his view of H (videos)

S took this video as the wind and rain moved in

It was not long before the rain started and even under the umbrella the wind started to pick up. All of a sudden the chair and umbrella bags blew into the river. I could not get up or our chairs and umbrella would go too so S chased after them but lost a flip flop and when turning to find shoe after grabbing one bag fell into the river with his beer in hand. He came up losing another flip flop too but got it.

How I wished I had the camera going about 30 seconds before this video

The other 2 bags went downstream and the rain really started to come down. We packed up and made our way across the inlet, up the bank and across the tall grasses along a narrow trail and tossed things inside. H jumped in with out the ramp too and we hunkered down as the rain unleashed even harder and the cab steamed up. The temperature had dropped to 20! 

in the truck soaked to the "gills" video

Once it stopped we made our way to Johnson's island for a short tour then back home where it had rained but was now sunny and climbing back up in temperature. S checked and found we had 1/10th rain while I fed H. We hung all wet things out to dry and had a drink on the deck.

Back on the deck in the sunshine... Somebody hand me a beer beer beer

Here is a picture of that very $$$ alfalfa bale

and the poor poplar tree trying to regrow

the golden hour glow below

It was back to 29 degrees in short order. I prepped veggies for the BBQ then chicken to make the philly sandwiches. B arrived just in time to order a sandwich (she passed another accident just up the road on the way which STARS came to) and joined us for supper. She was then off to do horse stuff before she leaves on her 8 day vacation. I got busy watering the garden and planters. S followed her out of the yard on SXS at 7:30 and saw still accident chaos. He repounded a few road markers he bowled over with swather on his way back. He and I then pounded in the snow fence posts.

always so pretty at this time of day

Next up seeing the temperature is lowering a bit he moved tractor and mowed the north sides of shop and house after we took off 3/4 of the rope anchors on the willow. I picked weeds, scooped dog poop and did other trivial yard keeping before going into garage at 9 to paint the yellow on the stool legs, We both finished up around 9:30 with S starting a campfire. After an hour here we moved to have a hot tub then relaxed after a shower with me watching some more The Wilds and S off to dreamland with a back tickle.

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