Cooper was dropped off for his day care day at 6:45. I put the dog blanket on the bed and he tried to lay quietly till I was awake. This darn cough needs to go. Coop and I got up but he really wanted to see his brother so he and I went out to let Jenkins out and the 2 were off in the sunshine.
My morning project was to transplant the ornamental grass from the island to the garden area. S had gone out to finish emptying the sprayer tanks so did not assist claiming he did not see me raking rocks, digging and planting. But I got it done in short order and it looks great. Once I had them watered in I was back inside to change into shorts. It is turning into a very hot day out there and hit 27 later in the day.
S hooked up the dump trailer and was off to town after 3 to pick up rails to finish the south fence. He grabbed some baileys, cough drops and supper while in town. I painted the coffee table 2 colors of blue like the dresser I did awhile back. while the coats dried I came inside and cooked up the sourdough loaf. While it baked I grated up zucchini and made some chocolate brownies. Back at 5 we ate and caught the news.
These are Sheldon's photos from his campfire view

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