I got posts on sited promoting the sale as well as a new flip book post. I also scrambled to tidy the house as Candace and Pam will be her for dinner. Just before they arrived, the relaxed Sheldon made a trip out to roll out a bale and lock the horse back in the winter pasture just in time to leave the yard open now. So much easier with the automatic gate and no hot wire.
We enjoyed a nice visit over thin crust pizza and tea. Then they were off to do their girls shopping weekend and Sheldon was on the couch for a nap. I started painting some details on the old dresser taking a break to meet a gal for a garage sale item.

while meeting the gal and letting dogs in and out I saw this, look closer
yes it is grass seed in the newest area.. growing, now, because it is crazy. Even though last night thru today was super windy it was 10 degrees, the poor grass is confused it is spring ;/
Sheldon was hooked on sports cause yes it is still a holiday in the states, black Friday to be exact but he did trouble shoot the one string of lights that went out on the rail while I cooked supper. Then after a quick chow down he was back down stairs to catch the Flames game.
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