The family who bought Baby arrived just as we were untacking. Britt roached KD and Bird while we all visited in the sunshine. Sheldon arrived home in time to get in on the visit too. Just after 1:30 she was off with her new family. Time for a cold beer and family visit before Britt and Shaina caught KD so I could treat her frog with a potion, Bird so I could put tea tree in her hoof crack and Daisy to join KD in the fat pen.
Jenna picked Shaina up around 3 as I threw a chicken in for supper. Sheldon chore of the day was to change Sadie's oil and as he suspected it was super easy and had it changed in less then an hour! And they wanted $550!
After our yummy chicken dinner, Britt loaded up and headed for Olds. I eventually convinced Sheldon to come walk dogs with me and try and snap a picture of the amazing colors the choke cherry trees were in.
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