I stopped at our new Peavy Mart to look for a bale tester and sure enough they had 2 but $75 more than UFA, who knew they would be nearly $350! Best get just in case no one shows with one today. I treated myself to a hot pumpkin spice tea and tossed the trash at the dump and was back home by 10! So far so good.
I threw hay out for all the horses and feed for the skinny pen and opened the gate to water. Now time to check bales. A semi had pulled in and guy looked at one bale and left. Not sure who and what but these bales look great from the outside buddy. As I suited back up to meet him he drove out of the yard. I checked the bales which ranged from 37-45% moisture and 50-110 degrees. The 1st cut bales tested 14-22% and around 35 degrees. The smoldering pile is now much cooler and just looks froze on inside. It looks like majority might be ok but I am just the tester ;)

moisture left temperature in Fahrenheit right
Time to get back to some enjoyable projects. I put the red frame back together with the newly secured cork and it looks great.
I assembled the rustic wood and yellow frame to be a unique photo hanger.
And I touched up the white paint on the numbers that I sanded off and put 3 coats of sealer on it.
By now Prince Ali was awake and asked me to go test more bales. My furry cohorts and I were off. Oddly enough the one that were high temps this am were still hot but not as high but almost every bale tested 45% moisture. I think a deal is in the works to get all of them out of here for cattle feed ASAP. Back at the house I hauled out more bales for all the horses yet again and fed the skinnies while I hosed and treated Bird.
Tonight I am cooking my self a real meal.. with real meat ;) It was yummy. Followed up by a long soak in the tub while watching Netflix is a great way to end another busy day.
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