Finally I was able to give Sheldon his 25th anniversary present and go figure.. he loved it ;)
I worked on more picture uploading but after an hour and a power bump I had to start again only for it to happen a 2nd time! Sheldon had a do nothing day, claims he has worked to hard last 2 weeks and needs a couple days of football and beer to relax. Britt moved from her bed to TV room after we all had a bowl of soup.

The sun came out around 3:30!! and the wind eased up a bit, and the temperature went up to 20 yeah!! Happy Thanksgiving. Britt gave Coco a quick bath, more like a dunking leaving all the dried up horse crap in her beard! But then she had a hankering for cookies so whipped up a batch made with coconut oil.
When I looked out again Pepper was making his way back to water trough thru the yard so Sheldon went out and took down a section of rails for them to get easier access and maybe avoid his short cut.
Sheldon got the hanging bug and hung the mirror above our bed.. only 4 years later ;)
I had made a yummy supper and once done Britt ran out in the field to get Bird and treat her up. Sadly it is dark by 7 now ;( Back in she washed up pots and pans and was off downstairs where Sheldon headed to watch the rest of the Blue Jays game on big screen. I finished uploading the last 2013 picture at 9 pm! now to find a new book.
forgot to share this bit of good news!! ;) Yeah B!!
and happy anniversary Chuck and Deb! Where has the time gone?
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