We awoke to everything blanketed in hoar frost, with the temperature at a brisk -6°C. I started the day with coffee, then made porridge for the worker after his third cup. After completing my morning marketing, I began vacuuming and gave Harley her fall dewormer - again opps. Pricey at $44 a dose. S left for work at the coop at 10:30, while I went to paint the little demi-lune table, now much sturdier after the glue set. Joeleen called, and we spent an hour catching up on each other's lives. I applied the first coat of paint to the table, improving its appearance significantly. Then, I began sanding the magazine rack table.

B went out after 12 to ride and feed her horses. S returned at 12:30 for lunch - he had planned to work through but it seems his appetite got the better of him. We prepared chicken sandwiches, with S also finishing up the leftover salad. He went back to work at 1:30, while I resumed sanding in the garage. Britt dropped by to say goodbye as she and Cooper were leaving after 2.
Baby Picasso is at it again
pompoms frozen in ice fun
The half-moon table was sponge-sanded, distressed, then finished with a coat of dark wax - it was now complete! I then turned my attention back to the other table, which required endless scraping and sanding.
Dad's table has lots of damage so will redo
S came home for a beer at 5. I was cleaning Dad's table, the fridge, the freezer, and sanding the cabinet drawer while he enjoyed his beer. He left again before 5:30 to finish the water pipe, with Matt assisting by holding something. Afterwards, I sanded the cabinet top, wrapped up work in the garage, and came inside before 6. I attempted to stage the small table for a photo, but the arrangement didn't look quite right, and the lighting was peculiar.
not bad picture but will try in better light
I placed the roast in the instant pot with potatoes after 6 pm and prepared the cauliflower. S returned from his day working at the chicken coop at 6:30 pm, ready for a cold beer. I completed my Spanish lesson while everything cooked. We enjoyed supper while watching the intense World Series Game 5. For the final inning and the Dodgers' victory, we switched to the large TV in our room. Afterwards, we watched two more episodes of 'Territory' with a bowl of yogurt.
S went out to check the hydrant and said the Starlight satellites were out again. I was trying to get a picture then all of a sudden the lights went out one by one, spooky!
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