Friday, September 27, 2024

Bonus Renn Day #2

I woke up early to prepare for a trip to the city. Britt was scheduled to babysit Renn, but due to illness, it wasn't ideal for her to be around Renn, who was starting daycare, or Nathan. After some marketing over coffee and feeding Harley, S and I headed to the city. He was indecisive about staying home but decided to come along.

We saw Renn and Kaylin crossing the street on their way back from daycare orientation as we drove by, honking to greet them. I went up to meet them after dropping off my bags. Renn was wearing Kaylin's coveralls from when she was 1, looking adorable. 

After a brief visit, they left for the specialist's appointment. Sheldon finally opened his birthday card from Candace, which included a confetti burst intended for Renn's amusement. Renn enjoyed the "Happy" song, although the burst startled her. She had fun picking up the pieces and giving them to Beans. Be prepared for many photos, I was trying to get on of her in the coveralls just right :)

the birthday card opening

Her props always seemed to be crazy things like this nasal flush bottle

Renn signing please... please what? is now the guessing game

With Renn as my helper, I finished removing the sticky goo from the upstairs window frame. Then Beans and Sheldon joined us, leading to chaos so they went back downstairs. Renn had her lunch and settled down for her 12:30 nap, aligning with daycare schedules, and fell asleep quickly after some cuddling and singing. 

She continues to be a real tidy eater HAHA

Kaylin and Nathan returned; Nathan rested while Kaylin shared updates from the doctor. She then left for Chinook to make some returns and attend a lash appointment. I then tackled the living room window glue problem, which required a heat gun, razor, and orange spray to remove, but I managed.

These steps below are for future reminders if needed

Sheldon, who had been watching golf whenever Renn wasn't around, decided to clean the standing fan. It looked great afterward. He then went out to get us lunch; Pho was the choice. Renn, having slept only an hour and 15 minutes, was awake when he returned. She was not a fan of my noodles. Nathan opened a parcel that arrived with some new clothes and monster slippers then left to run errands, unable to sleep. Renn kept us entertained with her singing and signing. 

package boxes make the best toys... and cars

the cutest singer

Her new slippers and my go cup she loves so much

Kaylin returned around 3:30. After a brief visit, we set off for home. B was busy at the ranch with horse-related activities and riding when we arrived. I fed H, then polished, oiled, and moved the heavy antique custom table inside after attaching the pull. The customer adored the photos I took and sent to her. Mom is going to take it back to Oyen when here next weekend. S set out to clean the windows, while I harvested carrots, all my corn, cucumbers, dug up potatoes, and watered the garden. Afterwards, I washed the inside windows and put the last few frozen lasagna pieces (courtesy of Ma K) in the oven. The windows look better but definitely required multiple cleanings on both sides. S's beverage breaks led to a second round of washing for most windows. B and Cooper left by 7.

my massive corn harvest

I finished and posted yesterdays blog then started on today's blog with breaks while videos uploaded to touch up the windows inside on the west side and harvesting potatoes after the dirt had dried enough to brush off. The return of that pesky coyote prompted the start of the potato digging, bugger. As the sun set at 7:30, we enjoyed lasagna with fresh vegetables. S opted for a hot tub session, while I decided to get into bed to continue blogging and watch Luxe Listings Sydney. When S stepped out to the tub, he encountered our friend Tony. He secured him in the kennel, and Mark is expected to arrive in about an hour. S browsed his laptop after his soak before drifting off to sleep.

Forgot to share this beauty photo of these 2 after doing the Terry Fox run, check out their badges who they were running for. Archie did it too but was to busy for the photo

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