Thursday, June 27, 2024

Renn & Rain begins

One might assume that with my generally flexible schedule, getting to the city by 10:30 on Thursdays would be simple, right? However, today posed a challenge. S was up during the night on his phone and laptop, and as a mom, I've always been a light sleeper, struggling to fall back asleep. After being awake for several hours at night, with Harley needing to go out at 6:30 and then back in at 7, I was just waking up when Shaina FaceTimed me before 9. We discussed a relative's reluctance to join her program. Mid-conversation, I noticed Roo's mask in the mud and Timba's hanging off one ear. I prepared a cup of coffee to take with me, gathered my bag, fed Harley, removed Timba's mask, and picked up the dill to leave at the gate for a lady. Many had expressed interest in the dill, but it seemed they expected delivery, which was not the case! I also had plans to pick up a flooring transition piece in town and drop it off at the rental, but S can handle that since he didn't wake up until just before 10. I managed to leave the gate by 9:30 but had to pass through town due to the Glenmore paving.

The day threatened rain, casting a dreary mood. I opted for a different route, making it to Kaylin's in 1:01 hours. Thankfully, Renn was still asleep, allowing me to work on the blog with Lexi dozing by my side. Beanz and I went for two walks so he could do his business. Renn awoke sweetly, patting her stuffed animals and waving them about, seemingly surprised to see me. We then went downstairs to play. Nathan appeared briefly, took a quick shower, then left to buy Kaylin's lunch and run errands. With Kaylin out of sugar at work, there was no chance to return home to feed Renn, but she managed wonderfully.

awe :)

the cutest

She enjoyed zoodles for lunch along with her usual berries and some of the sausage I warmed up for brunch. She played, stood up, and even took a few steps between objects, including towards me. It won't be long before she's fully mobile. We cuddled and read several books, then sang songs in her room. She fussed for less than a minute before falling asleep before 3 pm. While she napped for 40 minutes, I read a new library book. After waking, it was snack time and more play for her. She's nearly walking now. We climbed stairs for fun. Nathan dropped by around 4 pm and returned to work, planning to relieve me just after 5. Kaylin texted she was on her way home around the same time, so I waited to see her beautiful face before I said goodbye and headed home.

daintiest of eaters :)

just listen to this belly laugh!

look how close she is to walking 

and she is an avid reader

and a mountain goat

The rain was intermittent throughout the day, but it poured on my drive home. With the rain coming down I decided to not stop and check rental progress today. After exactly 66 km and one hour, I arrived back home. Of course, the rain stopped just before I reached our gate. S had cooked supper but was on the phone with the contractor when I got in. S had delivered the flooring strip and another bundle of baseboards to the rental today, dropped off stucco trash, did blood test and stopped at there rodeo office. I managed the accounting, submitted my pay sheets, and tried to catch up on the blogs, falling three days behind again. I ate my supper doing this while S watched the Trump-Biden debate, which I find utterly uninteresting. Meanwhile, Britt was out feeding, and the rain intensified. She covered Bird with a rain sheet before heading home. The gate malfunctioned as she departed. 

I relocated to the bedroom to watch "America's Sweethearts" on the large TV as the debate carried on in the living room. The wind was relentless. After the debate concluded at 9 and the rain eased, S went to investigate the gate issue, discovering 7/10ths of rain in the gauge. The gates have no power so he left open till morning. He later joined me to conclude the series. At midnight, when the rain resumed, he dashed into town, concerned about the front door leaking. All was good there appeasing his worries about rain coming in but deep concern for the stair install.

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