Up on this lovely Easter Sunday to get coffee going for all then hopped in the shower. 3 were off to church after 9:30. I got started on the Ball great-grandparents with quite a puzzle. They were back around 11:30 and I was still in the same spot unraveling the ancestral mystery.
I made scrambled eggs, beans and toast for lunch. I then took H for a walk and fed horses the watermelon rinds. Quick vacuum and sink cleaning were next up. Grama took a walk to the gate and back. Papa went out for a walk but had a fall scraping his arm badly. S was bathing Harley. Not the best idea as B and Coop arrived at 2. Mom and Dad arriving 10 minutes later.

Dave arrived before 6. Our Easter feast was enjoyed. More visiting and a tasty cheesecake dessert. Shaina and I loaded Dad up and Mom took him back to Sagewood. Games were up next. Calgary headed home 9:30, Dave left not long after heading to the track to pick up horses. More games then B and Coop off for home before 11.
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