Morning came early at 4:20 with H coming in to place her face on the bed. For the last few nights she has been in the garage with no peep till I go to feed her. I got up to let her out but she wanted to go to garage, ok. However though I could not fall back asleep so eventually turned on a podcast. After 8 I dressed for the day but pulled on sanding pants and hauled the table top outside to finish sanding the top and underside now that all was apart.

It was a good hike then back to his room to put away coat and hat and get him to his lunch table before 1. He is settling in very well and is participating in some many things like bingo, jeopardy, horse racing, fitness class and more. And their snacks are so much healthier and more frequent. He says all the staff are really nice. It seems to be a very good move in all aspects.
I then picked up Cooper right next door then grabbed a late lunch Opa. Items were dropped at the take it or leave it, picked up horse feed, dropped donated items at the thrift store, groceries were gotten then the last stop at Paetz's. AJ and the littles have been stopping the last couple days to play games with Dad which he is enjoying too. We had a visit (I ate my wrap) while Cooper hung in backyard with Clover and Aislyn the dog whisperer. I had brought my HF box to help for packing, Sharon stopped and dropped a couple off to and had a quick visit and before leaving took their expired meat for Harley.
Then it was off to the ranch for the pups to play, unload the car just in time for my 3 o'clock dr call. It ran late today till almost 4:30 with hauling the table legs outside to sand. The wind helps keep the dust down as a benefit. The table top had another coat of stain applied after a light sanding. Seeing I ate late I made a smoothie around supper time and worked on the blog for a bit with dogs at my feet.
B was out late at 7 having had a quick nap after work. She fed horses then she and I went for a ride. First one of the year for me! And my horse needs a good shedding out. It was a very enjoyable ride in the golden hour but cool even though 8.
Once we released the beasts B and C headed home as now after 8:30. I came in had a leftover hot dog (did you know a harvest hot dog is 250 calories? and the buns S bought at 190 each? I would rather have a steak for that amount :), changed into my suit and hit the hot tub to warm up. Out before 9:30 I added chlorine, showered then went out to close it all up before getting to work on the blog with a crisp apple. Time to crawl into bed at 10:30 and catch a bit of Home Edit. I had 18,000 steps today!!! (3,000 thanks to Switch)
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