this finish was easy
this finish was not!
The finish on the antique one was horrible and took forever. I tried 3 bouts with the stripper and it still remained. While I had everything out and stinky I hauled out the long French provincial dresser I bought a few months back and stripped its top. It was easy too. The coffee table was scraped and power sanded later in the day but it needs to dry well I think overnight.
Rain finally began to come down around 4. In between the table strippings, sandings and such I started the custom jewelry box Craig had brought from Oyen for me. It was cleaned, sanded/wood filler added to a few spots then painted a soft butter yellow in two coats each wet distressed after.

one coat and two below
Britt and Cooper popped out around 7:30 in the rain to feed, med B and put a rain sheet on the other B then they were off at 8. I was working on tutorials and blogs and the rain let up around 9 so I checked, 2 1/2 /10ths so far. Not long after the rain started up off and on again. I caught a couple more episodes of Outer Banks leaving 2 to finish the season for tomorrow night.
Happy birthday to Debby along with her retirement, so hard to believe the later but well done lady!
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