I showered up for the day ahead that is back to back appointments then ran out and gave the horses their pills. I was off to town after 10 to watch Aislyn while A&A were off to gymnastics. The latest tool ambassador parcel arrived just before me which was very convenient.
Oh yes and it is pink shirt day!

Aislyn and I had a fun visit as always and it was just a quick goodbye when the two got back as I have a mani/ pedi booked at 11:45. This was my last gift certificate; this one from Sheldon. It was nice to get the nails all holiday ready, thank you Prince!
Seeing I was wearing shoes to leave I had to sit extra long with the dryer on my toes so it was a super quick stop at Dairy queen to grab a burger to eat at 1:30 as I drove to Chestermere to my 2 pm lash appointment. I won these lashes on Instagram before Christmas too so this has been a very lucky week cost wise for me. I really liked the classic look Jayme from Lash Out Loud did. Thank you for the win!
Once I was done at 3 it was a quick drive back to Strathmore to pick up US cash and run into two grocery stores looking for a small bottle of clamato with no luck. I have a buyer coming at 4 so made a beeline to the ranch.
I hustled to get home pulling in the garage at 4 pm. It was only a few minutes later the bed frame buyer called from the gate, whew! He loved the bed and with his co pilots they had it loaded in about 15 minutes. Thanks for shopping local Randy. Well he drove out from Calgary so sorta local.
I snapped pics and details for the treasures gotten yesterday
I finally finished the Safe final episode as I got ready for bed. I started the movie Uncut Gems but after half hour closed it and watched some youTube. Tomorrow will be packing day so best get some sleep.
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