When the filler was dry it was sanded and the first coat of stain went on
S went out and let the horses into the hay filed as the paddock grass is suffering with no rain. He then harrowed a few more places he removed the hay and shot some more gophers before he ran to town to pick up the metal detector and grab us lunch. He chose A&W burgers which were really good. Thanks as I was running behind to cook and had a headache.
While I had the sanded out I did this cutting board too both sides and scrubbed it up
even ones I did not remember I left ;)

While I had the hose out I filled the horses water and gave them supplements. I cut down the ornamental grass which KD thought was tasty. They were super thirsty after there day out in the hay field not daring to go back in the paddocks fearing getting closed in. I also gave some evergreens a good drink in this windy crazy day. It hit 15 ish but the wind has blown like crazy all day.
how many horse heads can fit in the tub? 5 it seems ;)
I also finally got the exposed post ends of the car parking area built last year treated with Thompson's water seal. S raked a few spots he drug gravel onto the grass before he jumped into the skid steer and graded the road. I trimmed a few more trees then came in to chop veggies and meat for supper. S ran the metal detector around a bit to try and locate that missing diamond earring. He found 2 tab tops and a crumpled metal piece.
Delicious pork tenderloin was enjoyed for a late supper with Shaina arriving to eat her share later. Matt arrived soon after we finished for the 8 o'clock Flames playoffs game. The fellows retreated to the TV room while I had a shower and enjoyed some Netflix.
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