Wednesday, October 31, 2018

happy Halloween

Good morning, first day I don't have to bolt out and give horse meds but rather enjoy my coffee delivered in bed. ;) Happy Halloween!! Time to vacuum the main floor, boring but necessary seeing although we don't have an indoor dog we have dog hair everywhere ;)

Sheldon wanted to get in on the snap chat costume filters too ;) 

After lunch nap for the big guy in the big brown lasted well over an hour and a half. I did a new how to blog post, sorted socks and unpacked some of the items boxed up from the market. When I checked on the computer I had an offer on the planked dining table albeit much lower then asking but my white jewelry box sold on Etsy!! Wahoo.. I got it all packed up and the label printed and will drop off on our way to the movie tonight.

I also checked the 2 parcels I mailed yesterday and they were both delivered this am!! What?? Seems Canada post works better on strike! Now on to stage the white end table while S perused car rentals and movie times.

We loaded up and were off after 5 making a stop in town to drop the parcel off at the post office. Then we were off to Cross Iron, we secured our seats before heading to Milestones to eat. Good thing as my meal ended up being the wrong one and the lady who got mine ate it and loved it so they had to cook me a new one. This pushed us to having to take our dessert with us to the movie getting in just before it started. The move was of course Halloween, 40 years after the first one came out. It was an ok movie and for sure will scare some young folk.

Happy Halloween all!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

B&D stop for a visit

Hawk received his last does of tummy meds this am, once again in my housecoat as they were out by the water tank. It was zero out and a thick chunk of ice on the tub. Back inside Prince put on a pot of coffee and back in bed to catch up online.

I had a list of items to do and get in town and at 11 when I asked the fellow perusing the net if he had anything to do he remembered he had a massage... in 20 minutes!!! We quickly got dressed and off to town. I dropped him at his massage and ran my errands. I picked up a crib I hoped to make into a bench, recipe cards for my cancer fundraiser, dropped the pepper grinder parcel at the post office, grab some more supplies, drop off the jewelry box I was donating to this weekends cancer fundraiser then head back to pick up the Prince.

We stopped at Paetz's to borrow tape and get a address label printed for my recipe card parcel. Craig was home to so we stopped for a quick fresh roasted by Craig coffee. 1:30 we set off for home and they Ada's school presentation. We passed Britt and Dave on our way home as they dropped off Cooper and ran to town to get her car estimate for the deer damage.

At the ranch S hit big brown to finish his Tuesday relax mode and was soon asleep. I got on to staging the new watch chest and the divided one.  Britt and Dave were back in a bit, we visited then took the ranger out to the horses to try a "new" aussie saddle she picked up. It looks like a good fit but she will come Friday night and actually ride in it. A bit of banana loaf and a wee visit with the now awake prince and they were off home after 4.

After supper I wrote a blog post for the doll bed while Sheldon finished watching Flames game.

Monday, October 29, 2018

ombre anyone?

Awoke to a pretty sunrise at 8, the horses were right nearby too so this am I administered the meds in my fluffy housecoat. It was a bit brisk but sunny. The water was filled and back in for a cappuccino or two and a shower. Marketing of course starts everyday.

I put a coat of oil on the pepper grinder and staged a few pictures when dry.

On to the white projects, time to seal the end table with clear poly and dark wax the chest.

Usual tidy and working on marketing followed by 2 hours accounting, yuck. I wrote the recipe box blog post and got it all ready to be shipped off. While waiting for Lola I applied the 2nd poly coat then inside to catch up on some PVR shows of This Is Us and Grey's Anatomy. Prince had a snow delay in Fort Mac and did not arrive home till 1 am. He was a pretty tired soldier after his long day but happy his Flames won and was asleep in short order.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

painting and sales

Happy birthday Momma K, hope you have a  great day. It was an overcast start here as Lola and I hustled out to give Hawk his meds not far into the field. Hunters were already out popping off shots and the geese flew and settled closer to the horses. Lola even made a loop around them to secure their perimeter ;)

Marketing then out to paint another coat of white on the table. While it dried I finished the jewelry box adding gilding paste all over for a glamor look.

Rain came down briefly after 11 and the whole morning was dreary and yuck but after lunch the sun burned thru making for a nice day even though only 9. Back out to distress edges and put a third coat of white on! while I had a wet brush I wiped up a new project and gave it a coat too.

I had posted a photo with the red S&P set and black grinder and it was not long before a customer inquired and wants both, yeah happy day. I got them all boxed up as I offered free shipping using my last free Tuesday Canada post shipping offer, she sent payment in full. 

I started another project, an ombre pepper grinder. It dried I put another coat of white on the watch chest. Supper was 2 meat pies, yummy. The recipe box auction ended at 8 with the highest bid at $50!! Yeah, the bidder lady sent the money with in no time. It is a great day.

The horses were by the fence when I went out with Hawk's meds, yeah. I refilled the water got Lola in and finished the ombre pepper grinder.

Here is Shaina's costume from last night

I found it easy to get my costume via a snapchat filter :)

I finished Haunting of Hill House to round out my day 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

more painting projects on the go

Brr, 2 degrees when I set out to give the quick dose of meds via the ranger but at least it was sunny. But windy ;( Back inside a hot cappuccino and morning marketing posts. Seems FB is blocking most of my posts again, how frustrating. I hauled the doll bed in to stage and of course ended up back out painting more on it. The customer says it is better then she imagined so I guess it is all worth it.

After lunch I got busy leaning and painting a sweet solid wood end table in a new white I won awhile back. 

Once the first coat was on I came in and cleaned and painted a  jewelry box. It was a tough decision but I ended up with a soft green and my fav azure for the inside. Two coats of each color and distressed then left overnight.

I am not sure if I mentioned our Kaylin is enjoying 33 degree weather this w/e in Palm Springs celebrating her girl friends staggette. The wedding will be in March and she is part of the wedding party. However tonight she messaged she may have dropped her phone and broke beyond use and wondered if I had my spare one, whoops.

While painting I watched my ipad including The Haunting of Hill House then I ventured out in the dark to give Hawk his meds. Tonight they were a bit feisty and thought they would trot around for a bit but not long and I got the job done. I was then hustling around the yard to fill water and check cat food in the dark.. the "scary" dark as cloud covered the moon. But never scary when you have a good guard dog like Lola :)

I put her to bed and finished a few more episodes in my cozy bed, almost done the series.

Friday, October 26, 2018

marketing my wares

Up at my usual 8:30 I was soon out to give Hawk his meds. They were at the new watering station, how handy, right? They of course had either drank or dumped the last again so it was filled quick then back inside for a couple cappuccinos while I wrote blog posts, the yellow stool one went live. Other marketing like sharing other posts on linky parties as well as setting up a directory on a new shop local website. This one costs $$ so I hope it pays off.

 time to stage the recipe box

Boring chores like laundry were on the to do list. Of course mid afternoon I saw Switch rolling the water tub so out to fill it again, this is a full time job ;)

I sanded and scrubbed up the doll bed and left to dry. Not sure what to do as the customer wants it brown, will see if all the scribbles came off and go from there. Back to marketing.

I finished up painting the doll bed a coat of chocolate when Shaina and Jacob arrived. They had a bowl or 2 of chili and some angel food cake before scouring the dress up box for Halloween costumes. They had to scoot before 8 to get to Amanda's before kids went to bed.

I gave the doll bed another coat then coveralled up and took the ranger to give Hawk his meds. As I got out back at the house I looked up in time to see a huge bright green shooting star!! LUCKY me. Back inside it was marketing and trying to hustle my wares.

I started watching Haunting of Hill House, recommended by Shaina and Jacob. Good thing I don't scare easily as the wind picked up like crazy and blew chairs across the deck mid watching :)

Thursday, October 25, 2018

more pretty in pink

Sunny day but a brisk temperature to start. Only 1 degree as I donned my coveralls and took the ranger to give Hawk his meds, re..freshing for sure LOL

Seeing I finally got milk I could have a couple cappuccinos to start my day and catch up marketing and accounting.

In the garage I tidied up my paint tools from the last projects and started another load of laundry out there. Wanting to give the horses the most access to water I ran the hoses across and set up a tub for them by the house. They seemed to be enjoying the cool drink in the sunshine now up to 15.

 KD first to come give it a try

how many heads fit is the tub?

his little tongue cracks me up

I love eating Vietnamese as I always have leftovers the next day for lunch! I wrote a blog post for the pink jewelry box hoping to get attention for the cancer research paint promo.

Still in the pink mode I took apart and sanded up a wood recipe box Sharon gave me and painted it this fun pink too.

Mid afternoon the horses were back for water and got it empty enough to tip the little bit left over. Back out to refill.

The sun came and went all day with a bit of a breeze but still is nicer then weather we had earlier October.

I was sanding the now dry pink paint on the wood box when the stool customer arrived to pick it up. She dropped off her childhood doll bed to have it made pretty as well.

After she was off, I finished up the wood box with dark wax and put it back together.

Just after * I mixed up Hawk's meds and ventured out to find him right by the fence, score! And Lola was happy to come in after making her rounds for the last while so very win win on the pet end. Time for a hot soak me thinks with my favorite iPad after I put the pink jewelry box on a few more sites/pages.