Saturday, October 27, 2018

more painting projects on the go

Brr, 2 degrees when I set out to give the quick dose of meds via the ranger but at least it was sunny. But windy ;( Back inside a hot cappuccino and morning marketing posts. Seems FB is blocking most of my posts again, how frustrating. I hauled the doll bed in to stage and of course ended up back out painting more on it. The customer says it is better then she imagined so I guess it is all worth it.

After lunch I got busy leaning and painting a sweet solid wood end table in a new white I won awhile back. 

Once the first coat was on I came in and cleaned and painted a  jewelry box. It was a tough decision but I ended up with a soft green and my fav azure for the inside. Two coats of each color and distressed then left overnight.

I am not sure if I mentioned our Kaylin is enjoying 33 degree weather this w/e in Palm Springs celebrating her girl friends staggette. The wedding will be in March and she is part of the wedding party. However tonight she messaged she may have dropped her phone and broke beyond use and wondered if I had my spare one, whoops.

While painting I watched my ipad including The Haunting of Hill House then I ventured out in the dark to give Hawk his meds. Tonight they were a bit feisty and thought they would trot around for a bit but not long and I got the job done. I was then hustling around the yard to fill water and check cat food in the dark.. the "scary" dark as cloud covered the moon. But never scary when you have a good guard dog like Lola :)

I put her to bed and finished a few more episodes in my cozy bed, almost done the series.

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