Wednesday, October 31, 2018

happy Halloween

Good morning, first day I don't have to bolt out and give horse meds but rather enjoy my coffee delivered in bed. ;) Happy Halloween!! Time to vacuum the main floor, boring but necessary seeing although we don't have an indoor dog we have dog hair everywhere ;)

Sheldon wanted to get in on the snap chat costume filters too ;) 

After lunch nap for the big guy in the big brown lasted well over an hour and a half. I did a new how to blog post, sorted socks and unpacked some of the items boxed up from the market. When I checked on the computer I had an offer on the planked dining table albeit much lower then asking but my white jewelry box sold on Etsy!! Wahoo.. I got it all packed up and the label printed and will drop off on our way to the movie tonight.

I also checked the 2 parcels I mailed yesterday and they were both delivered this am!! What?? Seems Canada post works better on strike! Now on to stage the white end table while S perused car rentals and movie times.

We loaded up and were off after 5 making a stop in town to drop the parcel off at the post office. Then we were off to Cross Iron, we secured our seats before heading to Milestones to eat. Good thing as my meal ended up being the wrong one and the lady who got mine ate it and loved it so they had to cook me a new one. This pushed us to having to take our dessert with us to the movie getting in just before it started. The move was of course Halloween, 40 years after the first one came out. It was an ok movie and for sure will scare some young folk.

Happy Halloween all!

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