Thursday, October 25, 2018

more pretty in pink

Sunny day but a brisk temperature to start. Only 1 degree as I donned my coveralls and took the ranger to give Hawk his meds, re..freshing for sure LOL

Seeing I finally got milk I could have a couple cappuccinos to start my day and catch up marketing and accounting.

In the garage I tidied up my paint tools from the last projects and started another load of laundry out there. Wanting to give the horses the most access to water I ran the hoses across and set up a tub for them by the house. They seemed to be enjoying the cool drink in the sunshine now up to 15.

 KD first to come give it a try

how many heads fit is the tub?

his little tongue cracks me up

I love eating Vietnamese as I always have leftovers the next day for lunch! I wrote a blog post for the pink jewelry box hoping to get attention for the cancer research paint promo.

Still in the pink mode I took apart and sanded up a wood recipe box Sharon gave me and painted it this fun pink too.

Mid afternoon the horses were back for water and got it empty enough to tip the little bit left over. Back out to refill.

The sun came and went all day with a bit of a breeze but still is nicer then weather we had earlier October.

I was sanding the now dry pink paint on the wood box when the stool customer arrived to pick it up. She dropped off her childhood doll bed to have it made pretty as well.

After she was off, I finished up the wood box with dark wax and put it back together.

Just after * I mixed up Hawk's meds and ventured out to find him right by the fence, score! And Lola was happy to come in after making her rounds for the last while so very win win on the pet end. Time for a hot soak me thinks with my favorite iPad after I put the pink jewelry box on a few more sites/pages.

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