I was off to the city just after 11 and made it right on time for my noon appointment. They however were not as prompt but after waiting about 25 minutes, the 7 stitches were removed and I was on my way. I met Kaylin and Shaina at Globefish for lunch and a visit. The hour went by fast and soon we were off. I was to meet the lady at 3 but was there early 20 minutes, she messaged she would be 5 minutes late so I did my returns then waited in the car. After half an hour she called saying she was there.. but actually she was in the NE so had to send her directions and seeing she would be awhile I started my shopping. Another half hour passed and she called to say she was really there. I ran out to meet her only to be conned down to a lower price even after all the dickering around and time wasted I just wanted it sold and her gone.
Back inside I finished up my shopping, checked out, stopped quick at the new Marshalls and headed home swinging thru Strathmore on the way and grabbing beer and an ice cap. I finally was home at 5:30, what a long day. Britt had wanted me to load up Bird and take her to Okotoks to practice but she decided to skip it, whew!
Gas went up to $1.389 today!!! Crazy. B was home before 7 and after some convincing and packing her a lunch she headed out to start cutting the hay down. I took some migraine pills Debby brought up and finally after half hour it was gone. I went out and let the horses all out in the winter pasture and was picking weeds in my nightie in the golden sunshine. I looked up to see Britt making her way home after an hour and 8 rows worth of cutting having broke a swather tooth. DAM.

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