Britt trimmed Lola's toenail in the shade as it was a balmy 23 when we came in at 1. Time to kick on the A/C! I headed back out in the sunshine and planted peas and sweet peas then scooped poop in Baby's pen. It was about 4 now and the sun was clouded away. Time to plant the two roses I bought at Costco and move a couple other plants.
called campfire
Britt headed to town to work out returning at 5 with a hot chai perfect for my sore throat. Sheldon had to stay late not getting home till after 5:30, a quick change and we were out the door. Britt was leaving as we were too off to ball. Today is Ada's 3rd birthday!! We grabbed a dresser on-route to the soccer field to watch her 3rd practice.
as goalie for red team she thought she should maybe try helping yellow in their net too
On the way to the house for birthday cupcakes, we stopped quick to hoover down a KFC twister and grab some beer/creamer. Kitty cupcakes were enjoyed by all along with some air gun target practice, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADA!! XOXOXO
We were back home after 9 where Sheldon went directly to bed. I ventured out to fill the water tub, move horses around now in designated paddocks and off the winter pasture, fed the cats & treated Baby to a small treasure hunt of hay. Britt pulled in as I was finishing up before 10, she ate supper as we chatted then it was off to bed for both of us, whew!
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