It wasn't long after I awoke to find the possible fatal hard drive error the computer gave last night was indeed true. The main computer had crashed and after trouble shooting with HP to confirm they aid sorry your warranty ran out 42 days ago. WTH. It was time to scramble to see what we could do to retrieve data. I chose a computer place in town I hope can do this.
I was to meet Sheldon in the city to test drive a used car but this computer crash had me in a tizzy. It turns out the car is not quite ready for test drive so Sheldon came hoping bringing a pretty bouquet too, thanks lovey!
Time to jump in the truck and trailer and head to town. Amanda spotted a couple mattresses and dressers on a bike ride set out for heavy item trash. Sadly the mattresses were a bust and only 1 dresser but we did get a fancy lunch in at Subway, grab some fuel, horse feed and dropped the computer off. We also picked up a beautiful bouquet from Ma & Pa K, THANK YOU, so pretty.
Back home, time to unload and it was not long and we were headed back into town. Shaina text she was safely home, yay!! Before supper at the Roadhouse we stopped to watch Asher play soccer. It seems the Enclave has a wee issue with a heat sensor, hmmm. Next stop to see Britt play baseball. Darn if the kid playing back catcher doesn't have a pretty good arm and she hit both at bats. Good job B!! Supper was really good, more so since we didn't have to cook it!
run Ash
Craig can't miss a photo op ;) and Ada is happy to smile for me to
back catcher B
Thanks to everyone for your emails, texts and FB wishes on this big day, we are very blessed!!
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