Today is little miss Ada's 2nd birthday, happy cake day princess!! XOXOXO

Britt was up early for a day off but once the chore list came out she hid in her room for most of the morning claiming cleaning it. :) She did get a start on the basement though which was nice. After a bowl of soup it was off outside. I forced her to walk the dogs while I watered flower beds, planted more seeds, put out more decorations as well as hauling (by hand..who needs a gum Dude) up a new wood spool painted blue and swapping out the red. Red moved to the lounge deck for the w/e festivities.
SO EXCITED to see all these blossoms, it looked like this for Shaina's grad and survived all the mother nature disasters and keep shining!!
and we have tons of bees, wahoo~~
Britt took on the challenge of detailing the new truck. I had a customer show up from Calgary to by the buttermilk coffee table. We had a visit and she checked out the rest of the collection before loading it up and heading home. I finished the bird house enjoying the great out doors to spray the main cage and hand painting inside. I also planted poppies at the gate along the fence line taking the dogs along esp Diego who would not go with Britt earlier.
Britt finished up around 5:30 so we dined on a light supper fare of a tuna sandwich. It was such a nice day, the evening called for us to ride so off we went. Britt then went to the gym to work herself out. Not me, I reassembled & put out the bird house out.
Not long and she was back home, even fit in a tan too. She changed and back to town we went, this time she drove the new truck in (she has been dying to), got dropped at Brooke's, I grabbed a tea and back home. Britt the truck looks awesome, she has a wee bit more but bet Sheldon wont recognize it! Time to shower, finish the movie, finish this blog page and play some candy crush :)
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