It had a high of 7, which lingered all day. I was in the garage first thing spraying my chairs their first coat of blue. Once Britt finally got up here she kindly made omelets for our brunch, yum. I had a very productive day in the work shop, I painted a solid wood bench and old press back chair old white. I hand sanded them once dry and even finished the bench but will let dry before staging.
I took apart another old curbside chair and sanded the seat. This one I will paint in exterior paint for a door plant stand.
The afternoon was so nice and sunny I took the dogs for a big long walk. There is a hint in the air that spring is going to require a mask if I walk, dam it Sheldon! They loved the scented trail and big walk. I even spent some time scooping the gross piles around the house. This is rated NOT the best time to do this job, EVER! But it got done and I dibs out the next round! A couple ladies stopped thru the day to grab free dresser and riding boots too.

Back inside I started some supper while Britt continued to study for her big Bio test tomorrow. After supper a fellow stopped out to pickup the large vintage cabinet I had while I put another coat of blue paint on the chairs and wax on the bench.
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