Sheldon ran Shaina to the airport for her flight to Texas then ran errands. One errand included showing the truck as well as electrical for the shop not getting back home til late afternoon. Have fun on your polocrosse adventure Shaina, XOXOXO
Projects got finished and photographed and others started.
when taking apart the seat of this chair I found this material does not last, however the antique chairs had wool batting which remains like new.. hmm sometimes new inventions may not be best!
After getting back home the fellow called wanting to buy the truck, Sheldon chose to stay home and clean it out and meet the guy but he did not end up getting a ride so he went in to visit Craig. I picked up Amanda after few errands then we were off to another Saje seminar, this ones topic Air therapy.
I did get a wee bit of time to check my favorite store and found these beauties.. but did not buy, just looked :-)

Soon the truck was picked up and off to its new home then Sheldon was off to town to get trencher and started trenching
I finished painting the custom blue S&P and waxed barn boards while S ran back to town again after lunch to get acupuncture.
finished the growth rulers, one custom ordered, one for sale and this sweet shabby chic frame
Kaylin had a client come here to have engagement photo Makeup session done, she finished up just as Grama and Papa arrived Sheldon finished up trenching about the same time .and we all enjoyed a scrumptious rib supper. Papa and Grama were soon on there way home as Gail came out for a visit with Kaylin before she too headed back to the city.
(if you take a picture on my ipad I may use it :-)
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