I spent the morning and afternoon doing GST and home accounting and finding my desk!! It is a pain but very satisfying when done. The rain let up at noon, I checked and we had 1 1/10" more overnight and today!
Shaina went to work at 2 but found they did not need her since so wet. She ran errands and returned at 4 with Asher. Britt was just home from school too so after playing with the kitties it was time to ride horses and learn how to jump in puddles!
time to ride Julio
off he goes
sunshine just makes me happy
now he tries Scooter
Britt is determined to get him to love jumping in puddles
so he tries a few
then plays king of the castle
and he joins a rock band.. not only as one handed drummer but lead vocals as well!!
We had a kid friendly supper of kraft dinner and hotdogs with asparagus for veggie, yum! Shaina even helped make it :-)
4+ inches sure has it greening up
Sheldon went to town for drinks after his classes today and was home about 7:30 to clean up the remaining KD and hotdogs. He washed up the barbeque I bought him last year for fathers day to sell online and checked the travel trailer as he is showing it tomorrow night. Shaina took Asher home around 8:30 after a fun filled afternoon/evening with us girls. She continued on to Calgary to stay the night with Kaylin.
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