Saturday, September 14, 2024

Off to a market

B invited me to join her for a trip to the Millarville market today and to check out their old place en route. It sounded like a good plan, so I brewed my tea, had some cereal and prepared to leave. Kaylin has a new eyelash serum I am trying and this is her fiddle leaf I brought home to rehab and keep little Miss out of.

Shaina, Matt and Lexi are at the cabin this weekend

I was tending to the garden when she arrived. As she made her way up the lane, she closed the winter pasture, and I walked to the far paddock to open the gate. The horses quickly realized why I was summoning them and they galloped off to enjoy a day filled with ample food. After that, she and I set off at 11.

The clouds were unmistakably grey in the west, and it began to sprinkle as we hit the city. The old place had undergone some changes, and the winding road was full of bikers, obscured by the rain, so B couldn't see much while driving. We spent about an hour at the market, which was a first for B despite living just minutes away for that adventure. I picked up some gin drinks, B chose sausage and bacon, but there wasn't much else that caught our interest. We chatted with a fellow painter who organizes our market and had a booth there; she mentioned that it was a slow day due to the cool temperatures.

On our way home, we watched as a biker collided with a Tesla coming towards us on the same winding road. There was a bit of a standoff regarding who would cover the cost of the Tesla's scratches, but eventually, they cleared away the debris from the damaged bike, and we were able to pass. We paused near the old spot to take a few pictures. It appears that the track is finished, and there's some new fencing, but the racing facilities were deserted. The drop at the east end of the track is quite steep—yikes.

We continued on, back home to the ranch at 2 PM. B and Cooper went into town to take a nap. Meanwhile, S was busy packing the bearings on his final trailer—the dump trailer. I set out to work on the dressers. Over the next two and a half hours, I applied coats of paint to the drawer fronts, the mirror, and the long dresser. Drawers were treated with salve as were the drawers runners and other tasks. The set is now 95% finished—almost there!

B kindly picked up our Opa order for supper on her way here. Upon her arrival, we quickly ate then headed out to the shop where S was ready to replace the solar panel part we had acquired on Thursday. I steadied the ladder while he went up and down, fetching tools and making several trips before starting the job. At the same time, Britt attempted to gather the horses from their day of freedom in the winter pasture. I joined her to assist, and then we saddled our horses for a ride. Today, we explored the southern field, recently harvested, an adventure we hadn't embarked on in ages. The dogs accompanied us as well.

We circled back around our trees along the highway and up the laneway. S was just coming down from solar repair not having the right tool after all that time just as we finished untacking and grooming the horses before letting them out. B stayed outside to feed Bird and play with the babies in the dark before she and Coop headed home. Eventually, S and I moved to the bedroom to finish the season of Luxe Listings Toronto with a bowl of the popcorn I craved. Afterward, we started watching Luxe Listing Sydney.

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