Monday, June 17, 2024

Projects start at rental and the ranch

I woke up at 5:30 but went back to sleep until 6:30 to let H out. It's a beautiful sunny day. After making coffee, playing some brain games, and reviewing the updated rental repair quote, I started catching up on my blog posts. S got up after 8, had coffee and breakfast, packed his things, and left for Vermilion at 9 to purchase a new bison bull. I fed the cats their soft food and checked the gauge, which still read 1 inch and 6/16ths, or 4 cm, strangely the same as yesterday morning despite the intermittent rain in town and B mentioning it rained here while she was out. After a quick poop loop, it was time to get to work.

I got to work in the garage on the custom pieces. The first step was to remove the hardware and clean all the pieces, after which I cleared both tables and positioned the pieces in their places. Edges were sanded and wood filling done.

For an early lunch, I had mushroom soup and some ginger crisp cookies that Mom had given us. Thank you. I noticed Roo had gotten her mask off again, so I took a 10-minute walk through the paddock hoping to find it, but had no luck. I'll leave it for B to locate. Following that, I applied the first coat of primer. The large dresser took about an hour alone. Next on the agenda was touch-up painting on the rental pieces.

Look at the pretty daffodils I transplanted from Ma K's planter.

I went inside at 3 for a beer and some chips, taking a break to catch up on today's blog. I found little miss Harley relaxing on the couch! LOL Back in the garage, I applied a second coat to all the pieces and fed Harley, then left everything to dry for 24 hours. I came back in at 6, just as the rain began. It was brief but it wet the ground, which was welcome. S texted to say he'd made it to the Valley with his new bull. After releasing it into the herd, he went to Oyen for Chinese food with Mom and is staying overnight to mow grass at the farm tomorrow.

The bull before loading in the trailer earlier

I dashed into town before 7. My first visit was to the rental to check on today's progress. The kitchen cabinets are shaping up nicely. The basement floor has been sprayed, and the flooring in the spare bedroom is installed. Definitely progress. They've run out of the odor killer primer spray but will resume tomorrow since the front door's drywall still smells of urine as soon as it's opened.

Kitchen is looking great even with the primer coat

The fireplace top primed

the door killer primer sprayed in basement

and the spare room has flooring in already

Old tile and new vinyl, what do you think?

Next, I headed to Walmart for cat food and groceries. As I left, the rain was pouring down. I grabbed my favorite Opa chicken wrap and enjoyed it in the DQ drive-thru while waiting for my free Blizzard, using points before they expired—didn't want to end up like Mom, losing them. The rain persisted down 817, stopping just short of our farm. I passed Britt going home after she retrieved Roo's mask and feed Bird. Once home, I unpacked the groceries and caught up on blog posts, all while watching some more TikTok Cult. Rain began to fall at 8:30, forming puddles. After catching up with the blog posts, I decided to call it a night and went to bed  after 10:30 to finish this show then I started season 7 of Outlander

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