Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New bison bull

I woke up after 6, to silence, without the dog needing to go out, and no one else stirring, just this new time of waking. I brewed coffee and watched some episodes of Outlander in bed. At 8:30, I fed Har, and the cats came in for their soft food. I then sanded the custom pieces and applied a bit more blocker to several areas.

The 4 degree dampness outside prompted me to check the rain gauge this morning, and indeed, we've received an additional 0.4 inches, bringing us over 2 inches in recent days. After scooping poop and disposing of the horse manure, which had turned the wheelbarrow and wagon into veritable soup bowls, I spent some time weeding the raised beds, harvesting radishes, and pulling out some of the strawberry plants. Although there's no new growth yet, I've only worked through a third of them, and I'm hopeful for a change once we have a few sunny days. S text he was headed to the AV farm to mow the grass. He also met his Dad there at 11 for the day meeting up with Uncle Jerry for lunch in AV as well.

Kaylin and Nathan found chairs for the dining table. It looks fabulous don't you think?

Returning to the custom pieces, I chose to fill the faux wormholes with wood filler for a more contemporary appearance. The primer should be dry by 6 PM tonight, so I took a break to have lunch. Next on the agenda is vacuuming; the dog hair is shedding everywhere. I've changed Har's bedding and continued cleaning into the office while enjoying Outlander. The iPad is great for streaming shows in different rooms.

I worked on tutorials, including starting one for the rental renovations. Shaina FaceTimed before 4 PM for a visit. It's in the 30s in Ottawa, and she's sitting by the neighbor's pool. I mentioned we're experiencing a damp coolness and it's 12 degrees here, so enjoy. I quickly fed Har. Then, around 4:30 PM, I ran to town to pick up two whiteboards. S wanted one for his shop, and I plan to decoupage the other to make it pretty. After that, I picked up Cooper and briefly stopped to check on the rental's progress. There wasn't as much to be astounded by today. The wall holes were beginning to be filled, there was partial flooring in the master bedroom, and the first coat of black paint was on the fireplace and raised counter. I took the basement mirror, which is peeling from water damage, to repaint it and then left.

The garage shelves seem to be helpful in their painting progress

At the ranch, I prepared vegetables for dinner and made a fresh garden spinach salad. S arrived home soon after, thirsty and eager for the big hockey game at 6. After our meal, I stepped out into the drizzle to harvest spinach and tend to the compost while S settled in the TV room to watch the Oilers clinch another victory in the series. Britt came by to feed and ride, slightly delayed by the light rain. I retreated to the bedroom to conclude the 7th season of Outlander and begin the new season of Glow Up.

New bull below in the herd and a new baby calf too above

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