Sunday, May 21, 2023

Yard work underway

I told Mom about the newly found relatives as we visited over coffee. She then was off to spend the day with Dad. S ran to Matt's to finish his current job while I went out and spent 2 hours to finally finish the back flower bed! I finished the Stolen podcast too. After lunch S hung a gate into winter pasture from house paddock. I continued the yard work out front with a new podcast playing in my ear. It is another sad missing girl story. This one is from 30 years ago. Amanda recommended both as she is a huge true crime podcast follower.

I hauled the nightstand in and staged. Now to try and sell it. S is volunteering at the high school rodeo this weekend. They had a work bee Thursday night so he hooked up and hauled the trailer in and parked in the infield so he could stay on site. Mom was back with an update of the day around 9. S was not back till almost 10 then watch the 4 period of OT hockey game.

Mom and I had coffee and caught up more on the BC family. She was off to see Dad then head home before lunch but it turned out he was not awake so she missed him. It was time to clean the house seeing it was hazy with smoke again and heating up. Sharon popped out to ride mid morning as S was leaving for his day of rodeo set up. I supervised as she rode then we had a cold beer on the deck. I was then off to town for my ultrasounds. My knee and trigger finger were done taking about an hour. I finally had something more then a coffee and beer all day grabbing my favorite chicken pita. Then I spent an hour perusing plants and getting new gel nail polish. 

B had me pick up a lbrary book for her so I perused it and snapped these yummy sounding recipes.

Pasta carbonara, Scallops and Chicken Noodle Salad

I was planting the petunias in my pots when S arrived after 7 with a rotisserie chicken. I created a tasty salad to go with it. He watched hockey and perused his phone for a bit. He then headed back to the trailer for an evening of beers with the boys just after 8. A huge wind rolled in but did not seem to move the smoke. I worked on tutorials listening to a new podcast about yet another missing indigenous girl.

Saturday morning was thick smelly smoke. They canceled Dave's race's but the rodeo went on. I worked inside on blog posts and marketing. After a chicken sandwich I went out to plant the white bleeding heart and new peony and set up water in a few places. It was getting hotter up to 24 and rising. 

H and I came back into the house. I continued my computer work as it rose to 27. Ice cream was the perfect supper in this heat. While I worked on accounting, marketing then more family tree, I continued listening to the podcast. I finished it in bed after 9. What a tragic story. There are so many of them. And they all hit home having had foster kids growing up, having 3 girls and being a girl.

Sunday it was still smoky but the sun was partially burning thru. S was out at 7 for a quick shower and change of clothes then back to his rodeo duties. I made coffee and did some computer work. Seeing it was going to get hot today I headed outside. I got the sprinklers going front and back. I scooped a wagon full of poop out of the house paddock. Pulled quack grass and dug dandelions. 3 buckets were delivered to the ponies. B and Coop were over around 11:30. She put rubber shoes on bird's front feet after trimming. It was up to 24 already and she had a good sweat on.

I got a better picture of the crab blossoms which was good as wind got them a few days later

She fed Bird then they were off for home at 1:30. I continued my weeding, spinach and flower planting and watering. Inside it was a chicken sandwich for a late lunch. Now to stay inside as it is 28 out. It was the perfect incentive to clean all the bathrooms. Then Harley got a well deserved bath after giving her a Cartrophen dose. S text the rodeo finished up at 4:30 and he was having a few cold beers after the long dry dusty smoky day. I took a 1/2 of a watermelon out to give the horses but it seems H liked the cold fruit on a hot day. She ate it all.

I prepped food for supper and once he arrived just before 7 we got the corn on the BBQ, ribs and steaks went on next and all was enjoyed with a salad. This was followed up with a soak in the hot tub. S had left the trailer in town using his time to rehydrate. Now thoughts of it sitting in an open public ground had him change his mind. I gave Mr Jenkins his dewormer then we ran to town to pack & hook it up and bring home.

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