Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mother's Day and a birthday

Happy Mother's day to all our Moms, soon to be Mom and fur Moms! XOXO I was up early. It took almost an hour to water all my houseplants. Sheldon slept till almost 10!! It was time to catch up with marketing seeing we missed church with pancake breakfast. While heading out to water my planters I missed the bottom step and took a tumble on the cement rolling my ankle. I packaged up my Etsy sale.

S cooked a frozen pizza for mothers day brunch seeing we don't have much on hand. Also his famous words each year are "Well you are not my Mother?"  We headed to town to visit Paetz's around 12:30. Mom and Dad joined us there. Thank you Kaylin, Nathan and Shaina for the well wishing texts. XOXO Shaina's was all the way from Quebec as she headed out east last Thursday and will be there and then to Toronto till this Sunday night.

Britt arrived at the ranch then ran to town. After her shopping she came to Paetz's to visit. S went for groceries and I jumped in with B. Back at the ranch Harley greeted us then back to rest. It seems she has had a very busy week and has lost weight too. B had flowers and a planter for me XOXO S was home not long after with the groceries. We cooked up a delicious steak, potato, asparagus and salad supper!!

I gave Harley cartrophen shot. Diego used to get this for his joints. B is getting some for Cooper too. B and Coop then headed home. THANKS again Britt for great Harley care including taking her to a Dr Sean chiro appointment too.

Monday I was off for town after the custom table was picked up early. I had a couple errands before my 11 am dr appointment. Of course she was behind. I had xrays on my rolled ankle then grabbed us an ice coffee. My Etsy parcel had to be brought home and wrapped in brown paper; no beer boxes allowed as dangerous goods!! B and Coop were over again. She and her Dad went to her condo to change the door handle and retrieve a BBQ. They mailed the parcel too. I worked on entering all the trip expenses. B headed home before supper.

Harley lost weight at Britt's puppy play camp week :)

It's exciting to see my trees blossoming. The poor pear tree above right though does not have another or any other blossoming tree in that area so don't think we will ever get pears.

my darn ankle

Tuesday was awful weather day with hurricane winds and thick smoke. Good day to stay inside. I worked on finishing the nightstand. S went to "work" at Matt's moving dirt. I ran to town to have lunch with Dad. S had a rodeo meeting and OJ time in the evening. I worked on catching up the trip, baby shower and other blog posts.

Wednesday the wind was minimal but smoke still in the air. S was off to "work" at Matt's again. Seeing it was cooler I headed and started weeding the back flower bed. This kept me busy all day. I put my headphones on and started a podcast about a missing indigenous girl called Stolen. So sad. S was back at noon. I stopped for soup and made us grilled cheese tortillas for lunch. We both were back to our jobs.

The horses got a couple tubs of dandelions and veggie scraps. After feeding Bird I moved her and Zelos to the house pasture. I stopped weeding at 4 having gotten a blister. Sadly I was only over half done the 1 bed and more to go. Time to water the pots/ peas and scoop poop. Sharon stopped out to put on a fly sheet and visit.

Once S was back home we cooked supper, showered and ran in to Paetz's to enjoy a cupcake for Ada's 10th birthday! Mom arrived after we were back home staying with us for a couple nights.


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