Saturday, May 13, 2023

Alberta bound

I was awake around 8 and saw Monika the matriarch had invited us for coffee and a visit. Once S was up and we showered it was time for a quick breakfast. This was the first hotel offering breakfast in the price and this validated the hotel booking. It was a great breakfast with lots of choices. We then were off to John and Monika's home where we had coffee, a home tour and another visit. Gail, Veronica and Milo joined us as well. Before we headed to Victoria we stopped to see their 2 horses. What a lovely group of people. Thanks for hosting us.

Right near our hotel is Ladysmith. This is where Pamela Anderson grew up. I wanted to stop and see her house that she had on her HGTV show and Netflix show. It looked much smaller in person but lovely none the less. There are so many lovely places along the coast on this island. We continued south going on the old highway taking in the ocean view most of the way.

We stopped in Cowichan Bay originally to maybe go for a cold beer but instead seeing it was a blistering 28 out we opted for ice cream. Instead of a pint of beer S had a pint of maple walnut ice cream :)

not the pint I thought he would choose :)

Randy B had suggested we see the driftwood art beach in Esqualimat so that was our next stop. However this was a bit of a challenge to find. He also suggested Six Mile Pub so after finding it we had a cold drink and a bite to eat there. Our waitress drew us a map to the beach. It was unique to see but hot and windy. 


We took our quick tour and set off towards the airport. Gas was filled to return rental and cost $20. So $95 total for gas this week and that was at a premium price.

We had one cold beer each left in our cooler so we stopped at a beach 3 minutes from the airport. It is bittersweet to go seeing we had such a relaxing time here. But we miss Harley and the rest of the family so headed to the airport.

The car drop off was quick. We traveled 953 miles over the week. The security line even quicker. We were the only people going thru so it literally took 3 minutes. Now what to do as it was only 6 pm and we don't fly till 8:05. I finished the last episode of Queen Charlotte while S perused his online news, sports and wandered around.

Our flight home was another quick 1 1/4 hour flight. Having carry on had us off quick too even though we were in row 20 near the back. We jumped in a cab as the Uber price had doubled being a Saturday night. The joke was on us when the driver pretended to not know where Mercedes was and took us for a $20 ride around. We got the keys to the car and jetted for home arriving at midnight!

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