Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Holiday Monday and a day

Today is Victoria Day. AKA May long w/e. As we were having coffee Peggy called to check who was helping Dad with lunch. I put the chicken on to make soup then went in to help Dad at noon. I took a quick look for a pear tree and grabbed a few things we needed. A couple other quick stops and I was headed south.

I had to pick this sunshiny cutie up for Ma K. I don't uually pick yellow but it is so bright and cheery. Perfect for a Get Well bouquet.

As I passed thru the gate I picked up some seed potatoes a gal left me. S was busy weed whacking. He had dumped the poop wagon and cleaned out the trailer. He also pulled the big henbane weed at the pit.

Only 1 of Grandma Ball's ladybug tulips survived the winter ;(

I planted the seed potatoes and got all watered inc pots. S started mowing the house grass so I could get water started  on the Stout and Brittany tree. The mice had chewed all the bark off this winter and looks like the top has died but it is coming from the base. He helped me repair the soaker hose on the big flower bed then I set it to water. As we worked thunder started and it got dark to the south. Then the wind picked up. We finished up just in time for a bit of rain to come down. But sadly it was just a bit and quickly blew thru.

I finished making the soup while S napped on the couch. It was a simple yet tasty soup and salad supper. We took H and the cats for a walk. A quick walk as the mosquitoes found us near the winter gate. Hockey was S entertainment for the night as I did some marketing/blogging/tutorials while finishing the Making the Cut season finale. As S sawed logs, I started Judy Blume Forever; her documentary. Her books are a teenage staple. I want to see the new Margaret movie in theaters.

Holiday Monday ended with a rainfall that came down heavy for 10 minutes after 11 pm. I even woke S to hear it. 

When he checked rain gauge in the am we had just under 2/10ths. At this point we will take what ever we get, thank you Lord! It was sunny, green and calm when I let H out before 6:30 but the winds started to pick up soon after. :(

After coffee I got to quick marketing, tidy and trying to book my bloodwork today instead of next Monday. S packed up and was off to work at Matt's after his breakfast. I headed to town to help Dad with lunch. On route I stopped to check out some nightstands. The gal left then out in the rain but said no damage just scratched. She obviously never checked as the tops were all bubbled. They could be fixed but the drawers were all off tracks and obvious no real care so not worth the work it would take. Especially if they sit once finished like allot of my current pieces.

I did pick up  cute little ride on toy for the grand girly for next summer :) Dad was napping when I got there but lunch ended up a bit lively with him being in quite a bad mood today. There was no getting him out of it so once he had some lunch I left him sleeping at the nurses station. I had booked my bloodwork for 1:25. I quickly delivered transfers to a lady and picked up a library book and arrived right on time. Then I sat. There was one cranky lady very PO'd about the wait and let everyone know. Others said they had been waiting for 2 hours with their saved spot. At 2 I had to leave as a lady wanting to look at the antique table had booked for 2. She was driving from Calgary. She pulled in right behind me.

She and her sister checked out the square antique table then the grey one as well as looking at our latest dining table. She is in the market for chairs too so we chatted about that before they left. Bird had lost a shoe so I took off the other. S was back from his day at work AKA more dirt moving at 4. Short ribs in the instapot were put on for supper. Hockey and a hot tub rounded out the night.

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