Wednesday, December 7, 2022

From -20 to -3 in a day

H asked to go to the garage at 5:50 am then I hopped back in bed till I woke after 7. I perused IG till S woke after 7:30 and turned coffee on. A hot cup was enjoyed in bed as our usual start to the day. As another usual I went and fed H then sent her out in the -20 but sunny. 

With a second cup I got marketing going then out to work on the table. The two sided top still had a veneer bubble so I lifted it again and added more glue and clamped. I decided to hemp oil the table so did a 220 grit power sand then wipe. It really enhanced the wood grain but brought out the red tones. The table base was solid different wood so looked nice light when oiled.

right? below shows the underside wood grain and the top both oiled

S went out at 10:30 to plow the road and check the hay supply at the trees. I also had him take off the 2 horse blankets now that it was warmed up to -6 ish. He finished up after 12:30 and inside for lunch. I stopped for a break  to join him at 1. We had the last home made jarred borscht soup (THANKS Ma K!!) with a bacon tomato sandwich, yum right?

I headed back out to continue on the table. The leaf I stained and washed off yesterday showed a bit of warm white flecks in the wood that just did not match the other ones. Everything is fixable so after a bit of thought I decided to add some walnut stain which I liked. I called out S who agreed so everything after 2 coats of hemp oil was walnut stained. S sorted the plastics to take to town then did a hair/body trim. I helped with his back and neck and took him a big mirror I have in stock to help him with self serve.

stained tops and the veneer glued top still drying

I put the middle legs back in place but found the one that had a hook and eye mygyver fix needed a bend. S took it out to straighten the metal. I mixed the horse feed up and went out to feed the 2 in now -3 temps. There was no wind and lots of sun which makes any day warmer. I popped in to check on the metal man who was chatting with a friend but was able to bring it in to try again after the horses were done eating. It was not quite right so S took it back out again for another try after seeing it in place. 

He then went inside to relax. I finished up all sides of the table tops and the base with the stain then did clean up. I sorted my paint cabinet and a shelf in my big cupboard then swept the floor. H was fed after patiently waiting then her was food sorted too. 

S took this pic of Stella when putting away

Time to come in for news and supper. It was -6 so perfect weather to finally cook the souvlaki skewers. Perogies were pan fried with steamed broccoli for another delicious supper. Hockey was up for S as I wrote todays blog at the island with yogurt bowls I made us. Britt popped out briefly with Cooper to do his business seeing I fed today than they were off. S and I went out for a hot tub in the -6 with a light wind. After a rinse I went and scrubbed up Harley's cheek leaving her in the garage for the night then back to watch the game. After the Flames won, I headed to bed to read my book with S joining not long after to peruse the internet.

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