Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Temperature plummets again

This am H was escorted to the garage at 5:57 am then back to sleep. It was a frigid -23 upon waking with light snow coming down. Definitely time for a coffee after H was fed.

We chatted with Shaina on video while she had her 8 hour layover in LA. Unfortunately, she is not feeling well for last 3 days which makes travelling even harder. She has a flight to Denver then Calgary arriving back in cow town at 10 tonight.

I had a shower while S went to check on the cats but instead brought them inside garage. He shoveled the front step and refilled the wood buckets while he was out and bundled up. I headed to the garage to finish the mirror touching up the green and adding silver. I brought it in to stage and post for sale.

Bacon was thrown in the oven for toasted bacon, tomato and spinach sandwiches for lunch. I did paint touch ups on the blue dresser and had S help me predrill wee holes then I screwed in the new pulls and staged these photos to ad to Etsy. S was tardy today not heading off to town till 1:15 with hockey at 1:30.

I added all the photos and got yesterdays blog published and caught up todays. I updated the bison and jewelry box Etsy ads and loaded mirror photos into a new tutorial. I posted it for sale in a few spots then headed back out to finish the hand sanding on the table. I also put a coat of warm white stain on a leaf but was not a fan so had to scrub it all off.

left with, right scrubbed, below original on bottom and scrubbed on top

I did not clean H face with soap for 2 days, yesterday I just scratched all the dry crud off and added ointment but today she got a scratch off, a deep scrub then ointment. It seems to be slowly improving.

While I had the stains out I added a variety of colors to the corner piece S made

How sad is it all these blooms are drying up, must have been the move from the store in the cold that stopped them

S was home before 4, seeing the horses were in the winter pasture he and Harley went back and closed the gate to lock them in. He hit big brown for a nap. I finished washing brushes and tidying then fed H and came inside.

I posted my pink floral mug tutorial then did the sharing all over. I started a fire as S went out to toss a couple small square bales by the shop for the horses. I threw in laundry and worked on more marketing. It seems S got the ranger stuck when tossing hay so he had to get skid steer out to get himself out. He was back in at 5:30 in front of the fire with a glass of water.

S gave H a head massage with the wire massager and seems she is a fan

It was not a night to BBQ the skewers so I made spaghetti for a simple supper. A yogurt/fruit bowl was our dessert in front of the fire. I started reading my book there while S watched hockey. B stopped out to feed horses after 7:30 then her and Coop were off for home. I finished writing a tutorial for the sunset jewelry box and todays blog then went to bed to read my book. S wrapped up hockey and came in to read but it was short lived. I shut off the light before 10 but was awakened by H to go out before midnight.

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